Weed Shop 2

Weed Shop 2

35 ratings
People Skillz
By Weed Games and 1 collaborators
Learn the essential stoner skills which will help you get better prices, manage your staff and protect your shop.
People Basics
Getting by in the weed biz is all about respect and blunts!

You customers will only visit your store if they respect it and need some weed. To gain their respect, give out free joints and pimp out your shop. Serving you customers in a timely manner will increase their satisfaction level, while rejecting them will result in lost respect and satisfaction. Customers with higher satisfaction will wait in line longer and repeat customers will purchase more weed. If a customer's satisfaction is low, he or she might take the weed and leave without paying so keep customer satisfaction your #1 priority.

Your staff can handle any job you don't want to do yourself: farming, promoting, sales and security. How well they perform will depend on their efficiency and "high level". If a member of your staff is working too slowly, just hook him or her up with a blunt! Your workers also have different weed tolerance levels so some of them will need a smoke more often than others.

The junkie thieves will try to sneak into your store and steal your weed stash. They'll stay in your store till they're spooked by you or your security personel or until they have more weed than they can carry. If you or your security personel manage to knock a thief out, you'll get all of the stolen weed back.

Thugs will visit your store to jack all your cash that's not in the safe. If you safe's capacity is larger than your cash reserves then you've got nothing to worry about. However, if a thug keeps jacking your cash right in front of you, you have to choices: knock him our or get a badass security guard to do it for you.
Thugs are pretty hardcore, so knocking one out will require you to get hella stoned first (an upgraded bat alone won't do the trick) and bash him at full power. If you fail and the thug knocks you out instead, that means your weren't stoned enough or your bat was crap.

The Juggalos employ a snatch and bounce technique to steal your weed paraphernalia from your shelves. They move fast and can outrun most security personel. If you manage to knock a Juggalo out, he'll end up dropping the stolen merchandise which can be picked up and added back to your inventory.

The Spice dealers hang out around your shop selling their fake weed to your customers. Customers who purchase spice from the dealers will not enter your shop and also loose respect for your business. If your business is dead and you notice a bunch of people carying black Spice bags, locate the spice dealer and bash his brains in.

[GoW] leech 3 Oct, 2017 @ 3:41am 

can i translate ure guides into german? :)