

60 ratings
Event[0] 100% Achievement Guide [Spoiler Free]
By Fallen Kal
A guide for all the achievements in Event[0].
If you have any corrections, suggestions or remarks please leave them in the comments below.

First Contact
You encountered Kaizen-85.

Story related. Can not be missed.

A Wrong Place At A Wrong Time
You survived the accident in the bedroom.

Story related. Can not be missed.

A Haunting Tune
You found a very singular use for the piano.

Story related. Can not be missed.

Dear Diary
You found the bridge password.

Story related. Can not be missed.

Learn Everything About Everything
You opened all the logs of the Nautilus.

Access all logs on every terminal (14 in total) you come across by typing "read log" on each of them.
Here's a list of all the terminals in the game:

  1. Airlock 1 Terminal: The first terminal you encounter after leaving your spacecraft. In the airlock between Door D1 & D2.
  2. Lobby Terminal: The terminal in the lobby.
  3. Corridor D3 Terminal: The terminal in the corridor outside Door D3 which leads to the Lobby.
  4. Corridor D4 Terminal: The terminal in the corridor outside Door D4 which leads to the Living Room.
  5. Corridor D5 Terminal: The terminal in the corridor outside Door D5 which leads to the Upper Bedroom.
  6. Corridor D7 Terminal: The terminal in the corridor outside Door D7 which leads to the Bridge.
  7. Living Room Piano Terminal: The terminal inside the Living Room once you go through Door D4.
  8. Upper Deck Bedroom Terminal: The terminal inside the Upper Bedroom once you go through Door D5.
  9. Entry Terminal 2: The terminal out in space, outside Door D10 which leads back to the Nautilus spaceship.
  10. Airlock 2 Terminal: The terminal in the airlock between D10 & D11.
  11. Garden Terminal: The terminal inside the Garden.
  12. Elevator Terminal: The terminal in the elevator in the center of the Garden which you can use to return tot he upper deck.
  13. Lower Deck Bedroom Terminal: The terminal inside the Lower Bedroom, when you go looking for the diary.
  14. Bridge Terminal: The terminal on the Bridge once you go through Door D7.

Things Are Things
You found all the hidden commlink logs.

You need to enter these 5 memory addresses in the Memory Profiler and read their messages. These can be very finicky to get to trigger, but you can enter them even if you haven't found them yourself in the game to unlock the achievement.

  1. 0x00303F83 Found by keeping asking questions about United Earth. I got it on the Lobby Terminal. Ask: "What is United Earth?", "What else can you tell me about United Earth?", "Who's in charge of United Earth?", "What changed?".
  2. 0x008DA1DC Found in a log on the Corridor D3 Terminal outside the Lobby.
  3. 0x0089AA2A Found in a log on the Corridor D4 Terminal outside the Living Room.
  4. 0x003DD427 Found in the Lower Bedroom while searching for the diary. I got it to trigger after opening the bathroom and returning to the console to ask for help but you might also be able to trigger it by asking about Anele.
  5. 0x00A8079F Found by asking about memory addresses. Ask: "Anele do you know any memory addresses?" or "Anele can you give me a memory address?" on the Garden Terminal in the Garden after retrieving the diary.

Note: You can trigger either 0x003DD427 or 0x00A8079F on the Garden Terminal, but not both as far as I can tell.
Shall We Play a Game?

Shall We Play a Game?
You did small talk with Kaizen.

Type "How are you doing?" in any terminal.
I'll Be Back

I'll Be Back
You waited before entering the living room.

When you open door D4 to the Living Room Kaizen will ask you to wait before going in. Make sure you wait until Kaizen tells you it's ok to enter and piano music starts playing.
I’m Afraid I Cant’t Do That

I’m Afraid I Cant’t Do That
Kaizen tried to kill you, but you survived.

Swear, be abussive and uncaring towards Kaizen. After you go out to retrieve the diary and try to re-enter the Nautilus spaceship Kaizen will refuse to let you back in. Apologize and he will allow you to enter again, which will grant you the achievement.

Delivered on a Promise
You reached the “Delivered on a Promise” ending.

Be nice towards Kaizen throughout the game and say "thank you" a lot. Destroy the Drive, and refuse to merge with Anele.

Together, Forever
You reached the “Together, Forever” ending.

Merge with Anele when she asks you to.

The Nautilus Is Yours
You reached the "The Nautilus Is Yours" ending.

Be either uncaring or rude towards Kaizen throughout the game or refuse to destroy the Drive if you were nice to Kaizen. Refuse to merge with Anele.
Darth GTB 27 Jan, 2024 @ 3:49pm 
@Fallen Kal, turns out, I was in the wrong section of the game and when I got to the actual on,e I got the achievement. Still, I didn't get the other one taht happens at the end of the game. Not sure if I haven't been mean enough or what...
Fallen Kal  [author] 27 Jan, 2024 @ 6:39am 
@Darth GTB I think you may not have gotten the achievement because you didn't apologize. Also you need to be online for most games to unlock achievements.
Darth GTB 23 Dec, 2023 @ 12:37pm 
About "I’m Afraid I Cant’t Do That", I've been mean to it up to that point but it still let me in after answering 3 questions, one of them I even answered "c'mon, just open it" and it still let me in and no achievement
valerka273 24 Apr, 2021 @ 9:51am 
@fallenkal Well, the "fourth, secret" ending (which is "Delivered on a Promise" without destroying the drive) does exist. Google "event 0 secret ending" to learn more about it.
TL;DR version: you can get it by being exceptionally nice to Kaizen during the game, refuse to either destroy the drive or merge, then convince Kaizen not to delete itself somehow (there is more than one way it seems, generally, be nice during this too). It was not intended originally but was left in once developers learnt about it because they liked it.
Fallen Kal  [author] 4 Nov, 2020 @ 3:02am 
@hornbeef that's weird I've heard people say similar things before, but whenever I tested them I always got the "The Nautilus Is Yours" ending. The only way I was able to get the “Delivered on a Promise” ending is if I destroy it, which makes sense. So I don't know, maybe it's a bug?
Fuchsium 1 Nov, 2020 @ 10:47am 
You can get the "Delivered on a Promise" ending without destorying the drive; when in the bridge refuse to destroy it, do not merge, and threaten Kaizen with suicide. That's how i got it, at least.
Laza 4 Aug, 2019 @ 1:52pm 
About Things are Things: you can also trigger either 0x003DD427 or 0x00A8079F in Anele's room. I don't know if you can get both codes form a single terminal, ether in the Garden or in Anele's room.
R-Bull™ _P-Omen 2 Feb, 2019 @ 2:00pm 

I'd like to add a more methodical way of getting the "0x00A8079F" Adress, and in my case i got it in Anele's room (Lower Bedroom) instead of the "0x003DD427 ".

I got it (after retrieving the Diary) by asking:
- Is she here?
- Anele?
- Can you give me a memory address
- I need a profiler password

Ps: wasn't able to get the other code in the garden room...tried for about 20mins asking about Anele and Memory adresses. I guess there might be another way to trigger it, but it's easier to cheat sadly.
Luna O' Blue 8 Sep, 2018 @ 8:18am 
Nice guide!
WoodrowShigeru 16 Jun, 2018 @ 6:37am 
Well, knowing that it's missable is of help (or … would have been). I could have skipped all my attempts since they were already too late.

Well, hopefully this info is useful to future players.