The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

Revelations (AB+ only)
Showing 31-40 of 43 entries
< 1  2  3  4  5 >
Update: 22 Oct, 2018 @ 8:05am

Ingame version 1.1.0: Chill overhaul

Update: 14 Oct, 2018 @ 4:45pm

-Fix changelogs with exactly the same
amount of lines as the last one
crashing the game when opened

Update: 14 Oct, 2018 @ 4:38pm

-Maxwell's boss fight music
only starts when the fight does

-Dante and Charon now remember where
exactly in rooms you left them

-Bandage baby now slows rather
than freezing.

-Updated Tomb's rooms

-Added a failsafe for Pyramid Head invincibility

-Remove boss hp debugging left in

Update: 14 Oct, 2018 @ 10:14am

-Reduced Narcissus 2's HP slightly

-Added to the credits

-Updated Slambip's sprites

-Disabled boss scaling in
normal rooms (Punker
won't be crazy strong
in the chest)

-XL Glacier now properly
has a sale on the
Revending Machine

-Sandy and Jeffrey's HP
buffed considerably

-Prank will leave much faster
if you deal too much damage
in one room

-Fixed Canopic Jars being
unable to spawn items.

-Updated some of Tomb's rooms

-Revival tears can no longer
spawn in cleared rooms.

-Fixed Ice Tray tears being unable
to destroy poop and TNT

-Added some Revelations items
to more pools

Update: 14 Oct, 2018 @ 6:15am

-Fixed save data being
wiped after a cutscene is played.

-Added several failsafes to prevent
innards from becoming invincible

-Fixed menu flickering on first run

-Removed stray pixel on Sandy
and Jeffrey's spritesheets.

Update: 13 Oct, 2018 @ 10:33pm

-Revelations menu now fully
supports controller inputs.

-Effects of chill reduced slightly

-Chill resets instantly on room switch

-Properly disabled delirium
transforming into glacier prank

Update: 13 Oct, 2018 @ 5:11pm

-Fixed Pact of Radiance chilling
bosses it shouldn't

-Lowered opacity of Pact of Radiance's
friendly wisp's aura

-Fix Narcissus 2 not
having boss hp scaling

-Buffed boss hp scaling at lower levels
(high damage scaling
like knife is the same)

-Hungry Grub no longer
eats friendly enemies

-Brother Bloody no longer immune
to various damage sources.

-Some Tomb rooms have been updated.

-Fixed angel room music
playing too loudly for Sarah.

-Reduced cloud opacity

-Added settings for starting in basement
as Dante and disabling clouds or
all overlays.

-Added a black heart to Dante, split
between the two characters.

-Added a max radius to Geicers, they
now cannot shoot further than 300 pixels.

-Mirror Fragment whitelisted
from Birth Control.

-Slightly reduced closeness
of Glacier Prank's chase.

-Fixed Dante starting in Depths
in Greed Mode.

Update: 13 Oct, 2018 @ 2:33pm

Re-set mod to public.

Update: 13 Oct, 2018 @ 2:29pm

-Updated Stalagmight's rooms

-Temporarily removed
hyper dice due to instability

-Fixed antlion eggs respawning

-Dante now properly removes
charon's oar costume on switch.

-Added shader on/off setting

-Fixed Sarah's costumes and
True Co-op fetus.

-Added means of closing menu with
controller via bomb button.
Full controller support is
being worked on!

-Canopic jars now spawn innards
and correctly spawn no items
when their item is not unlocked.

-Removed broken Revelations entries
from bestiary. We will consider
making our own later!

Update: 13 Oct, 2018 @ 11:50am

Release Build #2