

More Than Capable
338 kommenttia
Mur Derer 4.7. klo 7.49 
Damn how i miss this one in my game
PalmerA 20.5. klo 16.22 
@portal, sometimes there a pawns that you either use as a harvest farm, or sold to the empire/ransom back to their faction.
void 1.5. klo 12.46 
recompiled for 1.5, I have no idea what I'm doing but I needed this mod and it seems to be working
crashfly 28.4. klo 8.54 
@Portal - sounds like a good character to get purposely get rid of.
Portal 28.4. klo 2.35 
Looking forward to 1.5!! God knows i need it, having a pawn that can't do







Spesh 28.4. klo 1.41 
update? this mod is essential
Val von Ra 26.4. klo 20.10 
Is no one more than capable of a 1.5?
Robob 24.4. klo 14.07 
I'm running 1.4 and the game for some reason behaves as if the mod wasn't there,my incapable of caring pawn cannot perform any medical tasks
Psycaster 23.4. klo 7.25 
Is there 1.5 continuation equivalent?
Carsteinvania 21.4. klo 13.46 
nucleartaco 18.4. klo 7.32 
How well does this mod currently work with 1.5?
Six 15.4. klo 14.58 
Your mod is appreciated! Looking forward to 1.5 update :)
brooishu 14.4. klo 9.11 
This is not working for me as of 1.5, I am getting this error: Error while instantiating a mod of type MoreThanCapable.MoreThanCapableMod: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> HarmonyLib.HarmonyException: Patching exception in method static System.Reflection.MethodBase
Minxx 31.3. klo 23.57 
does this affect children?
Astrobia 29.3. klo 22.04 
Awesome. Looking forward to 1.5 then. Thanks.
Charlotte  [tekijä] 17.3. klo 19.22 
Not hard, that's a good idea. I'll see if I can implement it for 1.5.
Astrobia 17.3. klo 13.31 
How hard would it be to modify the flag that assign the hated work types so they also get a significant learning penalty on those skill types?
Thundercraft 2.2. klo 5.20 
I do not find mention of the word "slave" anywhere in the description of this mod. As such - and correct me if I'm wrong - this mod seems to only affect trait-related job restrictions on normal colonists and not designed to affect the job restrictions of slaves, which is a separate issue.

To fix job restrictions on slaves, you could use Capable Slaves , which is intended to do just that.

Likewise, if you want to fix either job or weapon restrictions on ideology specialists , there are separate mods for that:
All Specialists Can Work
Capable Specialists
X - Really Useful Ideological Roles
Charlotte  [tekijä] 1.1. klo 11.07 
Can't help you without details
J 1.1. klo 8.38 
not working
Muad'dib 12.11.2023 klo 6.57 
I seem to have an issue with slaves. I thought slavery was supposed to over ride refusal to work due to backgrounds. Am I wrong? Does this mod cause a weird issue? Right now I have a slave that has red for mining and if I tell it to mine anyways it freaks out.
Angel 11.11.2023 klo 8.38 
"Achtung has issues by default, disable the "Ignore Forbidden Tasks" in Achtung settings."
That's not in the settings.. there is ignore forbidden markings and ignore work type assignments. do you mean one of these? and what issue does this cause?
Charlotte  [tekijä] 22.9.2023 klo 12.00 
You can set it to 0 via xml patch or just editing the file. Thoughts.xml
Prometheus 22.9.2023 klo 10.08 
Or actually, all the debuffs as well. It would function best as a band-aid solution for now.
Prometheus 22.9.2023 klo 9.39 
Would it be possible to add a setting to disable mood debuff? I get it's for balance, but some mods (like Free Will) can't function well with that in mind.
Charlotte  [tekijä] 11.9.2023 klo 18.42 
ᛚᚢᚲᛟᚨᚾ 11.9.2023 klo 11.50 
It's working for Vanilla Expanded stuff, backstories and traits?
BanHandled 31.8.2023 klo 20.42 
Only restarting the game worked. Fortunately the closest autosave wasn't too far behind. That's also how I diagnosed the error.
Still not sure what is causing the error, but I reported it to two locations. Also not sure if it will matter since it isn't exactly repeatable under easy circumstances.

Anyway, thank you for your quick responses.
Charlotte  [tekijä] 31.8.2023 klo 16.11 
That's suspicious. When it gets set all to 3 it's because something did a nasty error, it means all jobs, even the hidden ones got set to 3. Does restarting the game help? Although, I remember putting some measures to ignore the hidden ones. Yeah, it's here...
BanHandled 31.8.2023 klo 6.01 
I'm not sure if the explanation will fit in the 1000 characters, but here I go.
Some interaction between Rimfactory Reloaded and who knows how many other mods is causing all of my pawns to believe that they are assigned all jobs but only upon a very specific event. If I right click a specific baby with any pawn I get a red error mentioning RimFactory Reloaded (I've reported there), and then using Grouped Pawn Lists (I've inquired there) I can see that all pawns are set to '3' for each job. But the original setting remains for the actual pawns.
This happens because there is a bar where the group header is, and you can set jobs priorities on that header to set all pawns jobs. When this error occurs I cannot unset those priorities and it doesn't matter what I set for individuals.
*breathes in* but my real question was why I couldn't delete the memory when I had 'fixed' the issue, however now I'm not sure I did until I loaded an earlier save.
Sorry for the wall of text.
Charlotte  [tekijä] 31.8.2023 klo 0.11 
Which one is it? Some mods hide/replace jobs and it's still "active" in their definitions. It'll only happen if there is "Bad Work".

BanHandled 30.8.2023 klo 15.31 
Question for you. Due to an issue with another mod some of my pawns were 'assigned' to work they don't like - not really, but they thought they were... long story, irrelevant here... anyway I used Character Editor to remove the 'memory' afflicting them and it immediately came back. But they are no longer - nor ever were - assigned that work.
Do you have something that force preserves the memory or are they still somehow 'assigned' the work that they were never 'assigned' in the first place? (this is in part for debugging purposes, I don't know for sure what mod is causing the issue).
Charlotte  [tekijä] 29.7.2023 klo 0.38 
Possible yeah, needs develop time, but I'm currently only bugfixing. 1.5 is around the corner, I'll keep it in mind.
The Pacifist 28.7.2023 klo 20.12 
Is there away for this to instead of not hating holding weapons but instead just hate attacking and killing instead for pacifist pawns?
Charlotte  [tekijä] 22.7.2023 klo 16.54 
No idea
ChelGame 22.7.2023 klo 11.37 
Error Cannot find 2x Pawn_WorkSettings.GetPriority in RimWorld.FloatMenuMakerMap::AddJobGiverWorkOrders. Appeared after the mod was added. Apparently, there is no such parameter in Harmony, or something like that. Any ideas how to solve this?
lawura 3.7.2023 klo 5.07 
@Stormtrooper More than capable throws error harmony methods related when run alongside Do your F****** Research
Light | Eibhlin 2.7.2023 klo 17.11 
Well holy crap, I deleted Do your F****** Research and the mod came out, YAAAY!
I'd much rather have this mod :P
Stormtrooper 2.7.2023 klo 14.02 
What are the exact symptoms? Does it look as if the mod wasn't installed at all? Because out of a sudden the mod stopped working for me and behaved as if it wasn't installed and I've wondered ever since why... I use all those do your f***** mods
lawura 2.7.2023 klo 13.17 
Reporting incompatibility with "Do your F****** Research" (id:2880481073)
Light | Eibhlin 2.7.2023 klo 13.06 
No errors ):

I think there are actually a bunch of my mods in my modlist which aren't loading up for some strange reason and I have no clue why. Let me see if I can get more mentions in the log about the mod
Charlotte  [tekijä] 2.7.2023 klo 12.01 
No errors?
Light | Eibhlin 2.7.2023 klo 11.12 
Yes, it is enabled and it shows on Rimpy as well, but the config files are nonexistent-- 1803932954 just doesn't exist anywhere. It does appear loaded on the startup log as well: More Than Capable(notfood.MoreThanCapable): 0MultiplayerAPI(av:0.3.0,fv:0.3.0), MoreThanCapable(0.0.0)
Charlotte  [tekijä] 2.7.2023 klo 9.13 
Did you enable it? If it's there, there should be errors in log.
Light | Eibhlin 2.7.2023 klo 8.54 
Any tips on how to properly install it? I've tried subscribing, unsubscribing, physically deleting folders and also deleting *\Steam\steamapps\workshop\appworkshop_294100.acf but the config files and mod options won't show up, so I guess the mod isn't installing for some reason
Charlotte  [tekijä] 25.6.2023 klo 14.24 
It should be there if it's installed correctly.
Light | Eibhlin 25.6.2023 klo 9.19 
Where am I supposed to find the mod options? It isn't showing for some reason, I'm not sure if I'm just not typing it out right
Curse187 16.6.2023 klo 5.51 
Thank you for your help.

I found the file.
Charlotte  [tekijä] 13.6.2023 klo 13.58 
Edit this file: savedatafolder/config/Mod_1803932954.xml

Put things like this:
Curse187 13.6.2023 klo 10.47 
Hey, can someone explain to me how to add weapons to the exception XML file, please?