

RimWorld Workshop
Mods and scenarios for RimWorld. Mods can also be found at the Ludeon forums at ludeon.com/forums
Where are the crash logs stored/accessed on Linux Mint?
I'm currently a day into the mammoth task of setting up a modest (100-200ish) mod loadout so I can start playing the game again. One of my usual issues from my old windows installation is popping up; Humanoid Alien Races is causing issues at worldgen and preventing most factions from spawning. However, the debug entries aren't really helping me to narrow down what it's conflicting with, and various tweaks during my efforts to correct the issue have resulted in crashes.

I'd like to access those logs to see if I can find what's causing the issues, but Linux doesn't play well with .exe files, so I can't just run the crash handler like a normal person. How do I go about accessing the crash logs directly? Where are they stored?