Dota 2
[TI9]“Play:Saving Alice”set

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Hi, everyone, This is "Play:Saveing Alice" set.hope you like it. if you like this set, please click "yes" button, and please leave the comments .THX!

之前的炸弹人 标识上写的“R.I.P H.F ”,

1.火箭筒上的扑克牌的红心里 ,有一个wings的标,还有wings签名 ,虽然是我自己写的,护国神翼,不解释!
2.骰子炸弹的倒过来的“6” 就是“9”——TI9, "4"是希望中国队第四次夺冠,
4.帽子上的标签5/7 ,是yaoyilansha的生日,因为一直在忙,庆祝都没时间,所以写上去,就当生日礼物了。
5.标识 是爱丽丝奇幻梦境里 最有名的一句话:we are all mad here (我们都疯了),老外应该都知道,

好了 大概就这些了,英文牛逼的大佬可以留言跟老外分享一下,喜欢的记得给个“yes””

Artículos (7)
"Play:Saveing Alice" set_squee
Creada por X-MANTA
Hi, everyone, This is "Play:Saveing Alice" set.hope you like it. if you like this set, please click "yes" button, and please leave the comments .THX! 闲着蛋疼,在套装上做了几个彩蛋(梗).有英文好的刀友,请留言帮我给给老外解释下,免得他们再瞎鸡儿解读: 之前的炸弹人 标识上写的“R.I.P H.F ”, 我本意是为了纪念下,最伟大的小丑扮演者,希斯莱杰的, 然...
"Play:Saveing Alice" set_spleen
Creada por X-MANTA
Hi, everyone, This is "Play:Saveing Alice" set.hope you like it. if you like this set, please click "yes" button, and please leave the comments .THX! 闲着蛋疼,在套装上做了几个彩蛋(梗).有英文好的刀友,请留言帮我给给老外解释下,免得他们再瞎鸡儿解读: 之前的炸弹人 标识上写的“R.I.P H.F ”, 我本意是为了纪念下,最伟大的小丑扮演者,希斯莱杰的, 然...
"Play:Saveing Alice" set_spoon
Creada por X-MANTA
Hi, everyone, This is "Play:Saveing Alice" set.hope you like it. if you like this set, please click "yes" button, and please leave the comments .THX! 闲着蛋疼,在套装上做了几个彩蛋(梗).有英文好的刀友,请留言帮我给给老外解释下,免得他们再瞎鸡儿解读: 之前的炸弹人 标识上写的“R.I.P H.F ”, 我本意是为了纪念下,最伟大的小丑扮演者,希斯莱杰的, 然...
"Play:Saveing Alice" set_cart
Creada por X-MANTA
Hi, everyone, This is "Play:Saveing Alice" set.hope you like it. if you like this set, please click "yes" button, and please leave the comments .THX! 闲着蛋疼,在套装上做了几个彩蛋(梗).有英文好的刀友,请留言帮我给给老外解释下,免得他们再瞎鸡儿解读: 之前的炸弹人 标识上写的“R.I.P H.F ”, 我本意是为了纪念下,最伟大的小丑扮演者,希斯莱杰的, 然...
"Play:Saveing Alice" set_bazooka
Creada por X-MANTA
Hi, everyone, This is "Play:Saveing Alice" set.hope you like it. if you like this set, please click "yes" button, and please leave the comments .THX! 闲着蛋疼,在套装上做了几个彩蛋(梗).有英文好的刀友,请留言帮我给给老外解释下,免得他们再瞎鸡儿解读: 之前的炸弹人 标识上写的“R.I.P H.F ”, 我本意是为了纪念下,最伟大的小丑扮演者,希斯莱杰的, 然...
"Play:Saveing Alice" set_sign
Creada por X-MANTA
Hi, everyone, This is "Play:Saveing Alice" set.hope you like it. if you like this set, please click "yes" button, and please leave the comments .THX! 闲着蛋疼,在套装上做了几个彩蛋(梗).有英文好的刀友,请留言帮我给给老外解释下,免得他们再瞎鸡儿解读: 之前的炸弹人 标识上写的“R.I.P H.F ”, 我本意是为了纪念下,最伟大的小丑扮演者,希斯莱杰的, 然...
"Play:Saveing Alice" set_remote_mines
Creada por X-MANTA
Hi, everyone, This is "Play:Saveing Alice" set.hope you like it. if you like this set, please click "yes" button, and please leave the comments .THX! 闲着蛋疼,在套装上做了几个彩蛋(梗).有英文好的刀友,请留言帮我给给老外解释下,免得他们再瞎鸡儿解读: 之前的炸弹人 标识上写的“R.I.P H.F ”, 我本意是为了纪念下,最伟大的小丑扮演者,希斯莱杰的, 然...
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