Your Only Move Is HUSTLE

Your Only Move Is HUSTLE

1,154 ratings
Custom Stage Loader
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87.317 KB
10 Feb, 2023 @ 7:55pm
27 Aug, 2023 @ 9:02am
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Custom Stage Loader

In 1 collection by Fleig
Fleig's Stages
12 items
A tool that loads custom stages to the game, includes:

- A toggle to disable or enable the stage lines.
- A toggle for a random stage.
- The option to choose the active stage.

Requires the Mod Options Library (soupModOptions):

Reminder that this is a community effort, thank you Liz for fixing a lot of my dumb code,
thank you Snazzah for being an amazing coder that helped a LOT with stage loader 1.5,
thank you supersonic for making mod options and for helping figure out how to implement
it on Custom Stage Loader, thanks Sul for brainstorming and helping on the development of
stage loader, thanks Scroomplers, for giving the mod idea and for making the first stage,
and thanks Ivy for helping this come true.
Popular Discussions View All (2)
25 Jan @ 5:54am
Any updates on CSL 2.0?
4 Sep, 2024 @ 6:24am
crash on launch
Fleig  [author] 7 Mar @ 6:37am 
mod options is a mod you need to have
Gaxinim967 6 Mar @ 10:10am 
The mod options button doesn't appear at all on the menu, am I doing something wrong?
Skel 21 Feb @ 6:10pm 
this might just be a problem for me but when i try to load a map with this the game just freezes on the start screen without any text. any solutions?
Sulayre 17 Feb @ 6:42pm 
Fleig  [author] 17 Feb @ 4:59pm 
it does work in multiplayer, it is a clientside mod that is only visual
BlackArrowX76 17 Feb @ 4:13pm 
Does this loader work in multiplayer or only single player?
Fleig  [author] 11 Feb @ 7:20am 
the problem is probably a combination of stage loader with another mod, if you tell me the other mod that you removed in order for it to work all well, i can see if an update for both to work togeher can happen
Krupnik 11 Feb @ 4:29am 
So, i encountered a bug with the gui (the health and the super bar dont move at all), and after checking a little, I concluded that it's this mod. It's not a big deal and you don't have to rush fixing it, since you're a human and have your own problems (hopefully not).
Admiral Zander 8 Feb @ 4:17pm 
though the game crashes on startup if this mod and all stage mods are removed, so thats probably an issue as well
Admiral Zander 8 Feb @ 4:12pm 
nevermind, its not this mod causing it, apologies