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Starlit Library
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20 Feb @ 10:33am
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Starlit Library

In 2 collections by albion
Albion's PZ Mods
16 items
Mods using Starlit Library
8 items
Starlit Library is a dependency for other mods to use, it doesn't do anything on its own. As an end user, you don't have any reason to install this unless a mod you use requires it.
Developers: see the GitHub wiki for documentation.
Anyone can use Starlit Library as a dependency, but do NOT copy the files into your mod. You cannot redistribute any part of the library without express permission.

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Workshop ID: 3378285185
Mod ID: StarlitLibrary
Popular Discussions View All (7)
17 Mar @ 12:59pm
Errors with tooltips
Cushy 13 Mar @ 10:20pm 
Wrong thread, sorry.
Meant to post in Named Literature.
Thanks for the quick response, though.
albion  [author] 13 Mar @ 9:02pm 
no, are you sure it's this mod causing it? i can't see how it could possibly be related
Cushy 13 Mar @ 8:57pm 
Reading a book reduces Stress to 0 and not the stated value.
Is this normal?
albion  [author] 25 Feb @ 1:29pm 
this error is harmless, as the library detects it and fails safely, just disabling the module that errored (which isn't actually used by any mod yet). unfortunately this is caused by other mods being poorly written, there may be more information in your log pointing to which mod is causing the issue. however for now there is no reason to disable the mod because of it
CS7 25 Feb @ 11:20am 
Had to disable the mod.
Callframe at: error
function: __call -- file: Logger.lua line # 37 | MOD: Starlit Library
function: Traits.lua -- file: Traits.lua line # 20 | MOD: Starlit Library
se.krka.kahlua.vm.KahluaException: [Starlit Library] [Error] Unable to get trait metatable. Sandbox options affecting traits will not work.
Si-Cafe 21 Feb @ 10:15pm 
The issue of the tooltip box extending too far to the right was resolved by disabling ”Show mod info in item tooltip” in the UI tab of vanilla options. Was that extra lines causing the problem...?
Si-Cafe 21 Feb @ 6:12pm 
It would be great to be able to insert or replace elements.
albion  [author] 21 Feb @ 10:59am 
yeah, for some reason adding a key/value item after a label causes this: i can't work out any code reason for it but i think it's a bug with the vanilla tooltip rendering code (they just don't do this so it's not apparent)

i'm adding api to move tooltip elements around, so you can place your key/value above the label and the issue won't occur (i imagine this is probably where you'd want it to be anyway)
albion  [author] 21 Feb @ 12:51am 
that's very strange, nothing like that happens to me - i'll take a closer look tomorrow. the item script tooltip could indeed be related since none of my test items had one
Si-Cafe 21 Feb @ 12:38am 
Here is the reference image.
Changing the tooltip text size in the options does not seem to make a difference.