Euro Truck Simulator 2

Euro Truck Simulator 2

63 ratings
Pack de mini reboques Tri TMP (A-NAKA)
Type: Trailers
File Size
169.395 KB
23 Jan @ 2:12pm
23 Jan @ 5:48pm
3 Change Notes ( view )

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Pack de mini reboques Tri TMP (A-NAKA)

Pack de mini reboques Tri florestais, piso de madeira, granel e basculante | Pack of mini trailers: Tri-forest, wooden floor, bulk, and tipper. (A-Naka)

Obs: Os Reboques só podem ter a cor da pintura alterada, mas não podem mudar a skin de pintura, senão o caminhão pode perder algumas peças.

Note: The trailers can only have their paint color changed, but the paint skin cannot be altered, or else the truck may lose some parts.

Nota: Los remolques solo pueden tener el color de la pintura cambiado, pero no se puede cambiar la piel de la pintura, o el camión podría perder algunas piezas.

Salve, segue o passos para instalar e usar este mod:
1-Clique no botão "Assinar".
2-Inicie o jogo no modo OFF, abra o gerenciador de MODs e ative o mod.
3-Compre o reboque, salve o jogo e depois entre no TruckersMP.

Hey, below are the steps to install and use this mod:
1-Click the "Subscribe" button.
2-Start the game in OFF mode, open the MOD manager, and enable the mod.
3-Buy the trailer, save the game, and then join TruckersMP.
4-Enjoy driving.

Hola, a continuación están los pasos para instalar y usar este mod:
1-Haz clic en el botón "Suscribirse".
2-Inicia el juego en modo OFF, abre el administrador de MODs y activa el mod.
3-Compra el remolque, guarda el juego y luego entra en TruckersMP.
4-Disfruta de la conducción.

By A-Naka-Kamikaze-BR

Tag: TMP HCT Schwarzmuller rodoban CD DC Truckersmp Reboque bdouble b double b-double Holland style
patrick77333666 7 Mar @ 4:49am 
[Eumefa CEO ]A-Naka Kamikaze  [author] 31 Jan @ 7:00pm 
tmj meu bom <3
Sorriso®™ 31 Jan @ 6:25pm 
Mais um mod top pra minha coleção!!! Vlw meu brother!!!
[Eumefa CEO ]A-Naka Kamikaze  [author] 30 Jan @ 3:38pm 
SOTHO GAMER [william],
Hey, how's it going? This error happens when you have other mods active. You need to disable all other mods and leave only mine activated for it to appear.
This happens because some mods conflict with mine, preventing it from working properly.
SOTHO GAMER [william] 30 Jan @ 2:01pm 
hey ...i can't find the trailer in purchase's not there
[Eumefa CEO ]A-Naka Kamikaze  [author] 28 Jan @ 6:37am 
Ja pierdole thx bro <3
[Eumefa CEO ]A-Naka Kamikaze  [author] 28 Jan @ 6:37am 
Kozak Hey friend, it's from the game itself, the game has 2 bumper options, painted and plastic, if you want a similar Mercedes, I have a truck pack, just look in my mods and you'll see...
ja pierdole 28 Jan @ 5:48am 
nice mod
Kozak 28 Jan @ 2:01am 
where you get this plastic bumper for this mercedes?
[Eumefa CEO ]A-Naka Kamikaze  [author] 27 Jan @ 9:36pm 
They work in any mode both in off, scs convoy mode and TMP