Day of Infamy

Day of Infamy

Better Map Overviews
HaafuGee  [developer] 26 Nov, 2017 @ 5:41am
Bastogne Feedback/Suggestions
- Whoever made the map just slapped on every single sign they could find: one building sometimes has multiple signs on it!
- The official objective names are super lame: Front Entrenchment, Foxhole, Front Building, Street Corner. I won't use them.
- There's a lot of verticality to the map which I haven't been able to properly indicate
- From Pont to Ruins is just one big maze. That's a problem because if you enter Pont expecting to be able to flank around, you'll run into out of bounds and have to turn back.
- Babe and Roe are tributes to Band of Brothers

Current Concerns
- Names for open areas.
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Showing 1-9 of 9 comments
HaafuGee  [developer] 26 Nov, 2017 @ 5:42am 
Pre-release preview
- Incomplete, but the polish will be easy enough to finish off.
- Too many open areas to name.
Ciaran 26 Nov, 2017 @ 6:41am 
I like the touch with the Alpha, Bravo & Charlie areas marked up the red lines, that's very nice man!

The label colours are a little hard to see against the building colours but that's early days i'm sure.

A name for the spot just to the left of Foxhole could be Nest since a lot of people usually set up there with an MG or Sniper. You could even call Foxhole Nest since that's what it feels like.

The open area just south of Barracks could be called Snipe. If the Allies are pushed back there, the Germans usually take long shots down that street.

The alley just North of Church could be called Steps.

The open spot there North West Gramaphone could be called Rush. Don't wanna stay there for too long hence the name!

The spot on the West side of the Alpha red line could be called Mound or Hill. Germans like to sit there waiting for smoke e.t.c.

Base Camp or Support for Front Entrenchment? Spearhead since it's the front of the German camps?

Base Camp or Support for German spawn if they don't work for Front Entrench?
Last edited by Ciaran; 26 Nov, 2017 @ 6:48am
HaafuGee  [developer] 26 Nov, 2017 @ 5:18pm 
I was thinking of what to call A. I don't like foxhole because the game has actual foxholes. A's are east and southwest of it. If those smaller things are foxholes, then what should A be called?
Ciaran 27 Nov, 2017 @ 3:49am 
How about Shield for A? Scrum because it's kinda back of forth there sometimes? Nest for Foxhole? Bunker?

Bucket? Because it likes to gather nades and shells haha

Firehole? Friction?

The most Northern Alpha line, above Bunker (Fox hole), at the West part could be called Hill since Germans like to sit/wait there too. Mound for the Southern spot, Hill for the North one.
Last edited by Ciaran; 27 Nov, 2017 @ 5:02am
7ux0n0 7 Dec, 2017 @ 10:12am 
actually the a objective is called "Foxhole"... even as objective it got that name
HaafuGee  [developer] 7 Dec, 2017 @ 10:51pm 
Originally posted by 7ux0n0:
actually the a objective is called "Foxhole"... even as objective it got that name
Originally posted by HaafuGee:
I was thinking of what to call A. I don't like foxhole because the game has actual foxholes. A's are east and southwest of it. If those smaller things are foxholes, then what should A be called?
7ux0n0 7 Dec, 2017 @ 11:22pm 
still... if you say foxhole everyone knows what you mean
HaafuGee  [developer] 8 Dec, 2017 @ 1:18am 
I'm not sure that's true. At least to me, "foxhole" refers to the small depressions in the ground with wood on four sides to form a square. There are two in Bastogne and three in Foy that I can think of.

Maybe I should just remove my replacement name. I think "A" is good enough.
7ux0n0 8 Dec, 2017 @ 4:04am 
yeah - and i think the little hoels are more liek bunny holes, you jump in to not get caught in explosions and hop out to get back to the fight :P
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