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Riftwalker 27 Aug, 2021 @ 4:42pm
Guide to using Outfitted properly
So i've been using this mod for like 6 months or more maybe, and a lot of things are just not obvious and I don't think Charlotte really wants to go through the effort.

First off let me just post this mod


it normalizes all the values across the seen values in-game, this basically means it looks at the highest or most extreme value and multiplies it by a value so it equals 1. then multiplies this to every other value to give a smooth transition from 0-1. this makes it easier to for you to design outfits as you don't have to take into account how small one stat is compared to another.

i.e.if you have only seen items that give +.10 move speed, your pawns will consider .1 to be 1 and .05 to be .5, in essence multiplying everything by 10. Then another item gives 100% armor- Sharp, it's already equal to 1 and so is multiplied by 1. if you set both sliders to 1, they will both be equally desired for a given slot.

Moving onto the non-modded stuff

The Apparel Toggle

it's something overlooked by most people since the description is so sparse but i've circled it in imgur link[imgur.com]. this is in the bottom right of the screen and when on will display numbers over apparel when you have a pawn selected like in imgur link 2[imgur.com].

Notice not all apparel has numbers over it, this is because the pawn in question has the Doctor outfit, items not enabled in the doctor outfit are completely ignored and will not get a score. The next thing you'll notice is all the numbers are negative, this is because the displayed number is the items score minus the score of the apparel your pawn currently has equipped in that slot. my pawn currently has all of his favorite clothes on and so doesn't want to wear anything in there.

Good Practices

Most of the default outfits are good on their own, but some things you can do to make them better from a realistic standpoint is go to manage outfits and enable all clothing on all of them. This means even if you don't have appropriate apparel for the job, they'll put on something to keep themselves warm, and will upgrade later. Depending on what your prioritise you can get some interesting clothing options.

Edit all of the outfits HP limit so that it is 50%-100%, this prevents the tattered clothing debuff

Have royalty and plan on having a titled pawn? then you might consider making duplicates of some of the outfits and either adding psychic sensativity (and offset) or neural heat, but also social impact, making their throne speeches better if they can wear some good non-noble clothes to increase their impact. I mostly do this onto a copy of Anything and soldier/brawler.

Make a Slave outfit that boosts slave suppression offset, this will make them put on the appropriate clothes on their own and avoid other clothes that make their suppression fall faster. Be careful about Suppression Offset as this is a bonus applied to people who suppress slaves, making their suppression stronger.


Either something is applying a penalty to an item giving it a value that is negative or their outfit has their clothing disabled.

When you add a new mod, the clothing from that mod is not enabled automatically except on a new game. so if you're wondering why that mod that you just added none of your pawns want to wear anything from it, that's why.

to be absolutely sure of what is happening, you need to enable the clothing toggle and make them unequip everything.

while the pawn is selected, if there's no number on the outfit, the outfit has disable that item (too low hp? do you have tainted disabled and the item is tainted? I once accidentally disabled clean clothing, etc). if nothing is immediately obvious, click enable all to be sure and see if it gains a value.

If instead the value is negative, you have some priority that is causing it to be thought of as having an "unwanted attribute" for that outfit. common issues are temperature, if you have automatic temperature on, then the item might make it really hard to survive outside your base even if inside your base you have climate control. disable automatic and change the temperatures to be around the temps inside your base. like outside might be 150 deg F, so your warden won't consider putting on the riot armor because it lowers his max comfortable temperature. After that the stat prioritise might be done wrong, put negative values for priority if you want the best negative stats.

Tainted items will gain like -10 if the outfit has penalty worn by corpse, really don't why it isn't called penalty for tainted.

Automatic work priorities might also do weird things, unsure, haven't noticed any problems.


the item he has equipped is better overall for the outfit, confusion around this for me was when items took multiple slots/layers.


you have something forced on the pawn for that slot.

So, after all of this, how do I, the author of this guide use outfitted?

I just use default outfits and only do the stuff from best practices when i need them. When you don't change any of the outfits at all, you will have normal vanilla behaviour. Sometimes, I'll go through and add stats that infusions give that aren't really under a work priority, like learning speed or social impact or immunity gain speed, etc so pawns will try to use those infusions over more generic stuff. I don't really notice any problems and i have over 200 mods installed, the biggest gripe i had when i started was trying to get pawns to wear specific things, and now i just don't do that, i make sure there's a large supply of various clothing and armor and they do the rest.

If you are having trouble feel free to post below, maybe someone else or I will come by and help you. pictures are worth a thousand words, so try to get a shot of the pawn selected, the apparel toggle on and the outfit he's wearing open.
Last edited by Riftwalker; 27 Aug, 2021 @ 4:45pm
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Showing 1-15 of 20 comments
Hyomoto 1 Sep, 2021 @ 12:46pm 
Well, this is a really helpful guide. I too have made tutorials for mod authors who were reluctant, for one reason or another, to properly describe their mod and so I genuinely appreciate the effort here. This definitely helps explain the mod and its features well enough that I'll probably give it another shot at some point. The images showing precisely where the button is and what the outcome looks like seems small, but I had a genuine, "OH! Seriously? That's so helpful!" response to seeing it.

Your work here is highly appreciated! Now, I don't know if this will explain why my solider pawns refused to put on armor but at least I feel more confident in trying to figure it out.
Riftwalker 1 Sep, 2021 @ 5:41pm 
Originally posted by Hyomoto:
Now, I don't know if this will explain why my solider pawns refused to put on armor but at least I feel more confident in trying to figure it out.

yeah, from my understanding the only thing this affects is how the pawns are determining the score they use, as the game already secretly uses the scoring systems, so if something really is going wrong, please post what you found, a mod conflicts section could also help a lot.

If it is a mod conflict, you can narrow it down using RimPY by opening the mod folder and checking if it's more than just an XML mod, as XML mods couldn't be conflicting with this. My guess would be either an overhaul or race mod with special equipment. Also try moving it to the top or bottom of the mod list and see if anything changes.
Asteroid 25399 11 Sep, 2021 @ 6:28am 
Thanks for this writeup. The mod absolutely needs more clarity about what it does and how. This has helped me better understand the mechanics, but I'm still struggling to understand how it scores apparel that covers multiple layers against different items as layers?
Riftwalker 11 Sep, 2021 @ 11:34am 
yeah, from my understanding I don't know if multiple layers are taken into account, but they'll swap it out if a smaller item has a higher score, I think that much is true, i'm unsure of when they'll put on multiple slot items over other stuff.
Hyomoto 16 Oct, 2021 @ 1:16pm 
I gave it another shot, but it still doesn't seem to work right. I don't know if it's an incompatibility, or if it just doesn't do what you would expect but your guide did help me prove it. Tell someone to put on armor. Make sure they are set for priority armor, look at the armor it has positive numbers ... they wear nothing or a cloth hat instead.

Yeah, I gotta give up. Props for the guide, it helped me, but at the absolute best the mod doesn't work the way I think it should. I would love to see what results everyone else gets, it just doesn't work for me.
Last edited by Hyomoto; 16 Oct, 2021 @ 1:17pm
Lustique 7 Nov, 2021 @ 10:15am 
Is it possible to have pawns automatically prefer role-specific clothing (in the sense of Ideology roles)?
Iarinu 26 Jan, 2022 @ 10:45am 
This guide is great
Hey, I just have a tip that might help some people, that still can't make the mod work, even after trying what's in this guide. I've had this exact problem, that I think many of you have too. The mod generally works, pawns equip temperature appropriate clothing, work appropriate clothing etc, but when you give them your "battle" outfit, they just refuse to equip armor and keep what they have rn. What worked for me is removing the "Armor coverage" stat from the outfit settings, as this for some reason, forbids the pawns from equipping anything other than what they have rn, i.e. the numbers disappear. If you remove the stat, everything starts working as it should.
Riftwalker 3 Feb, 2022 @ 6:15pm 
i have no idea what the armor coverage stat is, as better armor is stuff with higher "armor - sharp" etc. Armor coverage i believe is from a mod and/or is something that isn't on armor but is a pawn stat generated from what they're wearing or something.
Last edited by Riftwalker; 3 Feb, 2022 @ 6:16pm
Wolfsblvt 29 May, 2022 @ 12:32pm 
Comprehension question:
If I have limited availability of one piece, will the person for which it is most important use it? Or the first who wants to take it takes it?

1. I only have 1 leather armor. My Brawler or even Soldier should have that, based on their stat needs. But realistically I should enable armor for normal pawns as well, if they want one and/or have no better options. Will my Brawler take the 1 armor? Or the first one?
2. I have limited shield belts. First my brawlers should get some, then the workers.
3. Only have limited amounts of royal apparel. So my "Royal worker" with psychic stat has the preference to this. Doesn't mean normal workers shouldn't be able to equip royal apparel at all.

Can help me out here, understand the functionality of this mod better?
It's not a big deal if I still have to micromanage limited-availability items, but it would be stat preferemces from this mod will automatically do that.
Riftwalker 30 May, 2022 @ 2:32am 
first come first serve.

if someone wants to wear a piece they will try to wear it, whoever gets to it first wins.
Wolfsblvt 30 May, 2022 @ 6:21am 
Okay, thanks for responding.
I expected that, from a little bit of testing. It's a bit sad to see, as this mod lays the full base what would be needed to check which pawn needs this item the most, based on the stat weightings.

Oh well, so I still have to micro-manage by either forcing them to wear stuff or locking them in the room first.
Riftwalker 30 May, 2022 @ 6:30am 
nope, like i said, it's best to make a lot of clothes rather than just clothes for specific people
Wolfsblvt 2 Jul, 2022 @ 1:15pm 
Another question. Shouldn't any item in a slot be better than no item at all?
I am using Vanilla Apparel Expanded — Accessories, and I have checked all items coming with it for various sets.
Still, most of the outfits show negative numbers for things like the backpack. And there is no item equipped for that slot at all, for sure.

Some of those have "Automatic Work Priorities" set, so I kinda get that, with it unchecked it works.
But especially the default "Grower" or "Researcher" outfit doesn't, I can't seem to get it to work that the pawn equips a backpack automatically.
Any suggestion?
Last edited by Wolfsblvt; 2 Jul, 2022 @ 1:17pm
Riftwalker 3 Jul, 2022 @ 3:12pm 
you should try forcing them to wear the items, there might actually be a slot conflict, if there isn't, pawns never equip anything with a negative value. like imagine an item that would cause a pawn to freeze or overheat but leaving them off wouldn't, if you have the outfit considering temperature, then the pawn won't put it on.

Also consider making an empty outfit that accepts everything and has nothing it cares about, like make sure it can take tainted and clean clothing, all temperature ranges, etc
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