

[SR]Factional War
Pille 2 Aug, 2023 @ 1:43am
Bugs and issues with version 1.4
Let's get a new thread started, I see a lot of issues posted in the comments.

I'll start with this:
I get from the comments that Faction Contention and Faction Defense aren't working correctly, so I disabled them with Cherrypicker. I expected Faction Assault and Faction Bombardment to work, but the problem is that they never happen. I tried manually triggering Faction Assault with Dev mode and it worked, but they never happen through the Storyteller, ever after playing for a looong time. Is there something I need to do before they can happen? If not, I assume something is breaking the events from showing up. I don't have any other mods that do anything with events or the storyteller though. I do have mods that add factions, though. Could that be the cause?
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Showing 1-5 of 5 comments
pone 5 Nov, 2023 @ 11:58pm 
[SR.ModRimWorld.FactionalWar]Got no pawns spawning raid from parms target=Map-0-PlayerHome, points=481.3637, faction=Faction_1 (Kiiro_Faction), raidStrategy=SrFactionFirst

Configuration that excludes specific factions from faction pools would be best.
Craneo 20 Nov, 2023 @ 8:03am 
I have bug where Faction defense countdown ends but it starts going into negative numbers, this causes my caravans to stop moving, if I assault the site, the moment I complete it and left the tile caravan menu duplicates creating the caravan but not closing the caravan menu, and the map keeps existing, with a negative cooldown, making the caravan not move, does this happens to you?
cactus 1 Dec, 2023 @ 6:18am 
Whenever a faction assault triggers, only one group of pawns spawns in, and no errors are left in the log.

The group that actually spawns behaves normally though. They move away from wherever they appear, I get a message that the battle begins, but then immediately get another message that they're slaughtering survivors and then leave contentedly.
lpgph 4 Dec, 2023 @ 9:45am 
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