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Fallout 4 Default Values for All Valid INI Settings


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  • 1 month later...

Updated OP to 1.4 patch.


Here's what's changed since the 1.3 patch:







;These lines were added to load DLC



sBethesdaAccountKey was removed.

sBethesdaAccountURL was removed.

sBethesdaNetURL was removed.

sBethesdaSecretKey was removed.

sHydraStudioKey was removed.

sHydraStudioURL was removed.






;Bethesda is still working on its Bethesda.net mod interface. URLs end in access denied.



fMovementAxisDeadzone default value was changed from 0.15 to 0.

;No idea what change this causes.




;No idea what change this causes.




;Added to load DLC




;No idea what these do.




;Appears to be the only interface setting added for the Automatron DLC





;rather random additions.



sSaveGameSafeMarkerID default value was changed from 1DC0A to A3701.

;Bethesda typically changes this to warn about older saves being unsafe




;Might be related to "Fixed issue where exiting workbenches would cause third person to stop working properly"

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  • 1 month later...

Updated OP to 1.5 patch


What's changed:





bAutoloadTESFileArchives was removed.

;They just added this last patch, and removed it this patch. I guess they decided it was a mistake.

sResourceArchiveListBeta was removed.

;They finally removed this test setting. I don't think we ever knew what it did, but it probably didn't do anything desirable. It was added to Skyrim at some point, but never used.




;They finally enabled their modding platform!














;All various things to do with the mods platform. Previous versions had various strings here. It would be interesting to see what putting those values back in would do. Would it access hidden content???



;Related note from the changelog: "Third person camera movement improvements when player is close up against walls and other objects." These improvements might be useful in other games.


;They reduced this value from 10 to 8. Not sure what it does.


;They reduced this value from 1.5 to 0.9. Not sure what it does.


;They reduced this value from 0.1 to 0.05. Not sure what it does.




;This new setting probably allows the PC to grab and throw stuff.


;This setting was added in the last patch, but disabled. They enabled it for this patch. Guessing it has something to do with Survival.




;These new settings probably control how far the PC can throw stuff?




;In Bethesda games, the sTestFile settings could historically be used to load ESM files, and usually sTestFile1 defaulted to the main ESM so that it was always loaded presumably. This was the case until now, where Bethesda seems confident enough to set it to blank.

strPluginsFileHeader=# This file is used by Fallout4 to keep track of your downloaded content.

;This setting evidently adds a prefix to the plugins.txt file. I think they accidentally added in this setting.








;Probably some kind of time limit that breaks a loop if it goes on too long, related to something in Workshop mode.






;Looks like we may now modify a HUD widget that shows active effects?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, I just discovered a bad tweak. I don't know what possessed me to do this, but I just randomly set


Turns out, in some cases, that will cause the game to crash for some reason, and it was reproduceable like heck. Of course, I can't really imagine why anybody would want to turn that off. Only experimenting idiots like me I guess.
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Well, I just discovered a bad tweak. I don't know what possessed me to do this, but I just randomly set


Turns out, in some cases, that will cause the game to crash for some reason, and it was reproduceable like heck. Of course, I can't really imagine why anybody would want to turn that off. Only experimenting idiots like me I guess.


I've seen hundreds of tweakers wannabee modifying every entry they could find that had "thread" in their name, persuaded that Bethesda had willingly put under-optimized default settings for thread management on every single one :P  


Have you started wiki pages for Fallout4.ini settings ? There isn't one referenced in the INI guide section yet. (even if it's just a non-documented list of settings, there is a few of them I can start documenting, especially menu/interface sections).

Edited by Kesta
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  • 3 weeks later...



There are Godray settings that are accessible within the console, which I cannot find in these inis (command "gr" to see settings ingame). They appear to be implemented very similarly to the way the [NVHBAO] settings are, where they can be edited temporarily in the console or permanently in the ini, but we haven't any documented ini settings for godrays besides


there is, also, in my finip-generated prefs.ini, the setting


which doesn't seem to do anything (presumably why it's not listed here)


To the point --->


I would like to set these settings once, and have them load every time I launch the game, so could someone 'find' the ini settings, or point me along the path to doing so?



Edited by coldharmonics
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Well, I currently don't know of any other settings, but I do know how to do what you desire to do. Add sStartingConsoleCommand to [General] and add all your console commands there, separated by semicolons. For example...


sStartingConsoleCommand=cl off;setfog 1 0

...will turn off character light and tweak the fog.

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Add sStartingConsoleCommand to [General] and add all your console commands there, separated by semicolons.


Ooo, cool. I'll check in once in a while to see if we have any information on actual ini settings, or if I find anything noteworthy. For now, this looks very useful, I didn't know it existed. Thanks! This can be placed in fallout4custom.ini?


Here's some info I've put together on the hbao settings / commands and what I could find about the godrays settings, for anyone who happens to have an interest:




 hbao = [HVHVAO]

hbao radius = fRadius=0.6500
hbao bias = fBias=0.1000
hbao powerexponent = fPowerExponent=2.5000
hbao DetailAO = fDetailAO=0.6500
hbao CoarseAO = fCoarseAO=1.0000

hbao blurenable = bBlurEnable=1
hbao blurradius = iBlurRadiusEnum=1
hbao blursharpness = fBlurSharpness=16.0000
hbao blurp = bBlurSharpnessProfileEnable=0
hbao blurpscale = fBlurSharpnessProfileForegroundSharpnessScale=4.0000
hbao blurpfvd = fBlurSharpnessProfileForegroundViewDepth=0.0000
hbao blurpbvd = fBlurSharpnessProfileBackgroundViewDepth=1.0000

hbao depthclamp = iDepthClampModeEnum=0
hbaodepththresh = bDepthThresholdEnable=0
hbao depthmax = fDepthThresholdMaxViewDepth=500.0000
hbao depthsharp = fDepthThresholdSharpness=100.0000

hbao backao = bBackgroundAOEnable=1
hbao backviewdepth = fBackgroundAOViewDepth=750.0000

Settings at 0 are presumably set to a default that cannot be seen ingame. Further testing is required.

main commands:
gr <on|off> (requires VoLighting enabling in ini)
gr info (provides settings info, which does not include scale and scatter)
gr debug <1-3> (provides debug viewing ingame)

settings found in gr info:
gr phase = 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 <fwd>, <back>  (perhaps a distance, didn't test) 
gr air = 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 <r> <g> <b> (presumably out of 1, didn't test)
gr fwd = 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 <r> <g> <b> (presumably out of 1, didn't test)
gr back = 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 <r> <g> <b> (presumably out of 1, didn't test)
gr intensity  = 0.00 <factor> (I didn't notice a difference)
gr fog = 0 | 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 <enable / disable>, <r> <g> <b>  (values presumably out of 1, didn't test)
gr multiscatter = 0.01 <factor> (no obvious difference at 10 and .01 and 0)
gr grid = 0  <size> (mesh resolution, ~1000 on ultra. use gr debug. best @ a ^2?)
gr quality = 3 <level> (3 at ultra, 0-3, 0 = low I think)
gr maxcascade = maxcascade = 2 <1-3> (no obvious effect)

setting commands not listed by gr info:
gr scatter = ???, ???, ??? <air>, <fwd>, <back> (didn't test)
gr scale = ??? <factor> (default 1, determines intensity of rays)



Edited by coldharmonics
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