Meet the Floppy Knights: tangible projections summoned from floppy disks! Tactics fuse with card game mechanics as Phoebe and Carlton, a brilliant young inventor & her robot-arm bestie, square off in turn-based battles. Select your Knights, hone your deck, and execute your strategy for victory!
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Foarte pozitive (269) - 82% din cele 269 recenzii ale utilizatorilor pentru acest joc sunt pozitive.
Data lansării:
24 mai 2022

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Cumpără Floppy Knights

Cumpără Floppy Knights & Soundtrack

Include 2 produse: Floppy Knights, Floppy Knights Soundtrack

HK$ 120.60


“The skill curve for Floppy Knight’s combat is nothing short of perfect.”
Rock Paper Shotgun

“One of the best tactics games I’ve played in a long time, and can easily hang with all time greats like Fire Emblem and Into the Breach.”
9.5 / 10 – God is a Geek

“Fantastic gameplay that’s easy to learn, yet hard to master.”
4.5 / 5 – Hey Poor Player

Despre acest joc

Hello there, humans. It is me, Carlton! Phoebe’s most trusted friend and super cool robot arm. I am here to tell you just a little bit more about Phoebe and her latest invention: Floppy Knights!

Who is Phoebe, you ask? She is a talented inventor with a mission: save up enough cash to finally move out of her parents’ place. There are plenty of odd jobs all over town but only one Phoebe - and that is where the Floppy Knights come in!

There are a bunch of Floppy Knights you can pick from to determine your own style. It will be up to you to mix and match snazzy card combos to make a winning strategy.

Turn-based tactics meet card-game strategy.
A fresh take on two familiar genres! Lead your Knights to victory across the battlefield using decks you have crafted with care.

Enter a vibrant world filled with retro tech and magic.
Jump into a fantastical land with hand-drawn visuals by Marlowe Dobbe (Dicey Dungeons), featuring lush vegetation, treacherous volcanoes, icy caves, and foggy forests.

Find your Floppy fighting style!
Every unit has a unique playstyle and ability to generate special cards during battle, creating endless possibilities.

Each deck of Floppy Knights represents a different faction and strategy:

  • Plants Deck - Upgrade your abilities, heal allies, and gain terrain advantages.
  • Monsters Deck - Add armor and trade HP for buffs.
  • Hooligans Deck - Three words: sneaky, poisonous, fast.

Plan the perfect draw.
Whether you’re a tactics veteran or playing for the first time - snappy battles and numerous card combinations will keep you on your toes to find the perfect strategy. Take advantage of cards that add and flip complementary cards so you can execute seamless combos.

Jam out to some toe-tapping tunes.
Listen to the energetic and refreshingly retro soundtrack by Grahm Nesbitt (Garden Story) that will have you dancing across the battlefield!

Cerințe de sistem

    • Necesită un procesor și sistem de operare pe 64 de biți
    • SO *: Windows 7 64 bit
    • Procesor: Intel H81 core i3 4130T 2.90GHZ (dual core)
    • Memorie: 4 GB RAM
    • Grafică: Intel HD 4400
    • Stocare: 2 GB spațiu disponibil
    • Observații suplimentare: Floppy Knights does not require Floppy Disks to be played.
    • Necesită un procesor și sistem de operare pe 64 de biți
* Începând cu 1 ianuarie 2024, clientul Steam va fi compatibil numai cu Windows 10 și versiunile ulterioare.
    • SO: Sierra
    • Procesor: i5
    • Memorie: 4 GB RAM
    • Stocare: 2 GB spațiu disponibil
    • Observații suplimentare: Floppy Knights does not require Floppy Disks to be played.

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