Regiments is a Real-Time Tactics game set in Germany 1989. The Cold War has gone hot, and the inferno is raging. Lead your Regiment through the fires of conflict and the fog of war. Break through the lines, call in artillery, maneuver, feign retreats, stage defenses, counter-attack. Do not relent.
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Sehr positiv (24) - 83 % der 24 Nutzerrezensionen der letzten 30 Tage sind positiv.
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Sehr positiv (2,445) - 87 % der 2,445 Nutzerrezensionen für dieses Spiel sind positiv.
16. Aug. 2022

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Infos zum Spiel


It's 1989 and the flames of a New War are flaring up. Thousands of square miles of German landscape will become a stage for sweeping battles between the best NATO and Warsaw Pact has to offer.

Lead your Regiment through the inferno of a wide-scale Cold War conflict in this new Real-Time Tactics game. Break through the lines, call in artillery and air support, maneuver, feign retreats, and stage mobile defenses. Do not relent.

The Platoon Command system lets you orchestrate battles with unprecedented precision and ease. No need to micromanage every infantryman - you're a Commanding Officer, not a sergeant.

Form your force on the fly. Selecting the main Regiment is just a start. You can expand your army during the game by calling in unique Task Forces, each bringing its own equipment and off-map support options.

Main features
  • Plot-focused Campaign of several Operations that tells a complex story of warfare around the Inner German border from multiple perspectives
  • Nine diverse Operations, each encompassing up to several days of fighting. Fight tactical battles, manage limited resources in the lulls between combat, make operational decisions, and lead your Regiment to victory
  • Four distinct skirmish modes with varied, dynamic objectives
  • Over 100 authentic vehicles modeled, combined into a multitude of different formations. Deploy such iconic vehicles as Leopard 2, T-72M, or M2 Bradley Fighting Vehicle
  • Command Regiments, Brigades, and Task Forces from a multitude of factions: Soviet Union, USA, East and West Germanies, Belgium, UK, Poland
  • Aggressive, competent AI that can challenge experienced RTS players
  • On-the-fly force customization, rewarding adaptability, and creativity
  • Deep game mechanics, simulating the Cold War era mechanized fight with great detail
  • Visceral visual effects, bringing WWIII to your screen in all its terrifying glory
  • Smooth learning curve and high accessibility even to novice RTS players
  • Refined controls that make commanding hundreds of soldiers a breeze

Beschreibung nicht jugendfreier Inhalte

Der Entwickler beschreibt die Inhalte wie folgt:

Dieses Spiel enthält möglicherweise Inhalte, die nicht für alle Altersklassen oder zum Ansehen am Arbeitsplatz geeignet sind: Allgemeine nicht jugendfreie Inhalte


    • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
    • Betriebssystem *: 64-bit Windows 11 / 10 / 8.1 / 7 with Service Pack 1
    • Prozessor: 4 cores Intel | AMD CPU
    • Arbeitsspeicher: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafik: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050
    • DirectX: Version 11
    • Speicherplatz: 15 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
    • Soundkarte: DirectX Compatible Sound Card
    • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
    • Betriebssystem *: 64-bit Windows 11 / 10 / 8.1 / 7 with Service Pack 1
    • Prozessor: 4 cores Intel | AMD CPU (Intel i3-8100, AMD Ryzen 3 1200)
    • Arbeitsspeicher: 16 GB RAM
    • Grafik: Nvidia Gefore GTX 1080
    • DirectX: Version 12
    • Speicherplatz: 15 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
    • Soundkarte: DirectX Compatible Sound Card
* Ab dem 1. Januar 2024 unterstützt der Steam-Client nur noch Windows 10 und neuere Versionen.

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