4Story places players in the disputed Iverian continent during the three Kingdoms era after the three Kings have successfully divided a once united nation. Now, they must prepare themselves as the balance of power shifts toward the unknown as treachery lurks in.
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Segera Hadir di Akses Dini

Pengembang game ini bermaksud untuk merilis karya yang masih dalam pengerjaan, dan mengembangkannya dengan bantuan masukan dari pemain.

Catatan: Game Akses Dini adalah produk yang belum selesai dan mungkin tidak akan berubah lebih lanjut. Jika kamu tidak berminat untuk memainkan game ini dalam kondisinya saat ini, kamu harus menunggu untuk melihat jika game ini terus dikembangkan. Pelajari lebih lanjut

Prakata dari pengembang:

Kenapa harus Akses Dini?

“Early Release would be a great window for players to connect with the developers.

There will be a weekly maintenance to optimize the game performance and undergo any minor changes. The major updates, however, will probably occur once every month. We will give a sneak preview about it when we do, so that the players can give their suggestions.

We've already taken some advises given by the players so it would be great to have some more. After all, the very reason behind the this version is to give back the 4Story they always wanted.”

Berapa lama game ini akan berada dalam Akses Dini?

“We estimate 4Story Origin to leave Early Access when we think that the game is ready to statisfy our players.”

Apa perbedaan antara versi penuh dan versi Akses Dini?

“The full version will have a completely different map design, skill effects, armor and weapon designs, monster designs and character play styles. Some physics will be changed as well.”

Apa status saat ini dari versi Akses Dini ini?

“Players can experience the below in the current version :
Many Race and Classes to choose from – players will be able to choose from 3 races and 6 playable classes (Archers, Assassins, Priests, Summoners, Warriors, and Wizards).
Various mounts – players will have different mounts depending on the type of races. They will also be able to earn different kinds of mounts as the game progresses.
Various PvPs – Tournaments, Aerial Wars, Territory Wars, Dragon Invasion, Battle Grounds, and Battle of Worlds.
Skills – players start with a selected few skills and then work their way up as they level up.
Factions – players must choose a faction at level 9.
Actions - Dodge, jump attacks, jump backwards, side attacks.
Unique race and classes - Each race and classes will be unique.
Corps - parties can group up and form a corps.”

Apakah harga game akan berbeda selama dan setelah Akses Dini?

“This will be a Free to Play version during and after the Early Access.”

Seperti apakah rencana untuk melibatkan Komunitas dalam proses pengembangan?

“We will regularly post news of the current development state and ask for user feed backs.”
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Tentang Game Ini

It is the age of dispute where Iveria is torn apart by two rivaling kingdoms. Many have fled to Broa to start yet another kingdom.

You, the player will start from the third kingdom Broa, and make your way to Defugel or Craxion, the kingdoms in dispute, to solve their differences.

4Story Origin, an open world MMO with various PvP systems, is an Action RPG consisting of 3 races, 6 classes and various seamless maps. Players will wonder in the wild to fight monsters and enemy nation players and loot the area to fit themselves to find yet another challenges.

Magic Vs. Melee

In the world of Iveria, the continent in 4Story, it is troubled by the continuous war that rages on between the two nations, Defugel and Craxion. A military oriented society, Defugel, takes on the battle with the Magic oriented society, Craxion.
Which will you choose? Magic or Melee? Craxion or Defugel?

Guild Wars

Also being a clan based society, Defugel had launched its attack on the Craxions by sending out their clans on all 4 war zones and 12 territories. Craxions have also sought to confront them by making their own guilds. They fought every day at a certain time with the winning guild from both sides making their way to the Sacred War.

Races and Classes

Iveria, also a newly born continent, used to be an uninhabeted continent before the migration of Humans, Fairies and Warebeasts. All three races had one thing in common: they sought refugees in the new world.
Warriors would pave their way through while priests gave them protections. Archers were good for long range attacks against any foe who dared approach them. Wizards would give the warriors covering shots while assassins aimed for the silent kill. Summoners would summon out of the world beings.
As a group, they were a perfect team.

Pets and Mounts

Sometimes, taming would be necessary in this great wilderness. Those wild beings could be tamed and raised as their own mounts and pets. They gave different purposes. Pets would buff them and give protection while mounts would give them the means of transportations. After the arrival of the dragons, even the dragons were tamable.


They came through the rift of space-time continuum, a black hole. The hole suddenly came without any warnings. Once a beautiful blue sky is now scorched red in the high mountain area called the Carasus mountain regions. Dragons roam the area and hunts down any one who dares approach them. It is not only the fierce red flame that thrushes down from their throat that's the most horrendous but also the curse they cast upon you when you approach them.

Persyaratan Sistem

    • OS *: Windows 7
    • Prosesor: Pentium4 1.6GHz
    • Grafis: GeForce FX5700 128Mb
    • DirectX: Versi 9.0c
    • Penyimpanan: 2 GB ruang tersedia
* Mulai 1 Januari 2024, Steam Client hanya akan mendukung Windows 10 dan versi yang lebih baru.
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