Explore a future Venice struggling with the effects of rising water slowly destroying the city as a bored teenager, with your hoverboard and your trusty drone.
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Positive (16) - 93% af de 16 brugeranmeldelser for dette spil er positive.
14. okt. 2022

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“Venice 2089 is still in development, but its demo shows some sharp art and the beginnings of a likeable protagonist coming through. Besides that, who wouldn’t want a hoverboard?”
Indie Games Plus

“When I passed by Pa’s house on my second in-game day in Venice 2089 I was told the demo would end after the second day, and that really bummed me out. I was having a great time in Venice and didn’t want stuff to end just yet.”

“It’s a very pleasant experience hoverboarding your way through the streets of Venice 2089. The artwork and audio design are excellent, the characters are well written and there’s lots to discover as you skate around. It’s a lot of fun getting to know the characters and the city, and doing your bit to make it a better place for everyone.”
Alpha Beta Gamer

Om dette spil

The city of Venice, once a significant tourism destination but now almost uninhabited, is struggling with the unpredictable behaviour of tides. Some of the most important monuments are being taken away, among the complaints of the citizens, and the lower part of the city becomes inaccessible more often than not. In Venice 2089, you'll explore the city through the eyes of Nova, a bored teenager who has no clue about what to do in life and just wants to relax from the stress of their usual routine. Yet tides change for everyone without exception...

Navigate the streets of the city in a unique 2.5D artstyle. Explore numerous points of interest from Nova's Boat-house in Santa Marta to the cleaner calli of Punta della Dogana. And watch out for the rising tides, they'll change the way you move throughout Venice!

Meet a diverse cast of characters scattered throughout the city. Know their personalities, learn their points of view and help them in different quests. Fill your house-boat with important objects, and remember the experiences you made.

Use your hoverboard to navigate Venice, perform tricks and create a dynamic soundtrack that'll match your mood. Interact with the world using your drone, collect objects out of your reach and solve some puzzles.


    • Styresystem: Windows 10
    • Processor: Intel i5 +
    • Hukommelse: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafik: GeForce GTX 670 / Radeon HD 7970
    • DirectX: Version 11
    • Diskplads: 15 GB tilgængelig plads
    • Yderligere bemærkninger: Widescreen is supported only in windowed mode.

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