Saiko No Sutoka is a Horror Survival Game where you as a Protagonist must escape and avoid the crazy yandere girl who wants you dead.
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Veldig positive (3,137) - 93 % av 3,137 brukeranmeldelser for dette spillet er positive.
6. sep. 2020

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Kjøp Saiko no sutoka


Om spillet

Saiko No Sutoka is a Horror Survival Game where you as a Protagonist must escape and avoid the crazy yandere girl who wants you dead.
The Antagonist, Saiko Chan is a psycho Serial Killer. She’s a very unique Yandere type. She loves to play with you before she has a chance to kill you.
The game focuses more on The Antagonist, Saiko Chan. Her playful AI behaviour towards her Senpai which is you as The Player.

There are two states of saiko AI as she suffers from DID Which makes surviving from saiko unique compared to other horror survival games:

Yandere State
In this state, Saiko Chan is not directly hostile towards The Player but she will not let The Player escape and atempt to stop Player progression by slowing Player down by various means.

Yangire State
In this state, Saiko Chan is very hostile, she will try any way to kill The Player such as she will hide and atempt to amsbush The Player before returning back to Yandere State once she has done enough damage.

The main objective of the game:
You are trapped in the school abducted by the Saiko Chan. This, the goal is to escape from the school by collecting numbers that would unlock the safe that contains the exit door key.

The game introduces 3 modes in The Steam early launch with her own visual looks.

1. Yandere Mode where Saiko Chan is shown as sane version of prior version of her before snap snapped (Tutorial/Story mode)
2. Normal and Hard Mode is what the normal Saiko game play where we need to escape.
3. Yangire Mode; this is the hardest mode and only for those that wants a challenge. (Very difficult mode)

Let’s play our game now!

#SaikoNoSutoka #ホラゲー #ヤンデレ

The game is in alpha 2.1 and will going to get alot more content in the future with newer updates as i plan to make this game with fully fleshed out AI which is rarely seen in todays game.

Beskrivelse av voksent innhold

Utviklerne beskriver innholdet slik:

This Game may contain content not appropriate for all ages, or may not be appropriate for viewing at work: Frequent Violence or Gore.


    • Krever en 64-biters prosessor og operativsystem
    • OS *: Windows Vista 64-bit
    • Prosessor: Intel i3 2nd-Generation 2.5GHz, AMD Quad-Core 2.5GHz
    • Minne: 4 GB RAM
    • Grafikk: Nvidia GT640, AMD Radeon HD7750, 1GB Vram
    • DirectX: Versjon 9.0
    • Lagring: 700 MB tilgjengelig plass
    • Lydkort: DirectX 9.0c Compatible Sound Card with Latest Drivers
    • Krever en 64-biters prosessor og operativsystem
    • OS *: Windows 7 64-bit or higher, Windows 8, Windows 10
    • Prosessor: Intel i3 4th-Generation 3.5GHz, AMD Quad-Core 3.9GHz
    • Minne: 6 GB RAM
    • Grafikk: Nvidia GTX 570, AMD Radeon HD 6950, 2GB Vram
    • DirectX: Versjon 11
    • Lagring: 700 MB tilgjengelig plass
    • Lydkort: DirectX 9.0c Compatible Sound Card with Latest Drivers
* Fra og med den 1. januar 2024 kommer Steam-klienten kun til å støtte Windows 10 og nyere versjoner.

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