Guide brush strokes and solve a variety of puzzles to help an aspiring artist complete her masterpiece amid her brusque neighbor’s gaze and his pesky cat. As her painting starts to take shape, uncover an emotional tale of chance and artistry revealed behind unrelated yet familiar moments.
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Data lansării:
25 aug. 2021

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Descarcă Behind the Frame: The Finest Scenery Demo

Cumpără Behind the Frame: The Finest Scenery

PROMOȚIE SPECIALĂ! Ofertă valabilă până pe 20 martie

HK$ 83.00
HK$ 49.80

Cumpără Healing Puzzle Games SET (?)

Include 5 produse: Moncage, Behind the Frame: The Finest Scenery, Gorogoa, TOEM, The Last Campfire

HK$ 374.40
HK$ 131.72

Cumpără Golden Hour Bundle SET (?)

Include 2 produse: The Star Named Eos, Behind the Frame: The Finest Scenery

HK$ 142.40
HK$ 93.04


“If you're a fan of Studio Ghibli, like these developers clearly are, or even just have an hour to kill and a love for art, Behind the Frame is absolutely a game you should give your time.”

“As a movie about life, an artistic piece with vivid images.”

“Enjoy the surprising turns and ending of Behind the Frame. As it is a piece of work not only puzzle game lovers will enjoy, so do people who value visual indulgence.”

Feature List

• Paint, sketch, and retouch your artwork to complete your masterpiece and your memories

• Dive into and explore beautiful panoramic, hand-animated worlds inspired by Miyazaki/Studio Ghibli visuals

• Experience an evocative story, through the eyes of a passionate artist

• Step into a new painter’s artistic adventure - awaiting those who complete the main story

Despre acest joc

Behind the Frame is a vivid, interactive fiction about an aspiring artist on the cusp of finishing the final piece of her gallery submission.

A relaxing, eloquent experience that can be played at any pace. Become immersed in a panoramic world filled with resplendent colors, beautiful hand-animated visuals, and a smooth, easy-listening soundtrack.

As a passionate artist, seek the missing colors that will bring your paintings to life - all while remembering to take the occasional coffee and breakfast breaks that keep you going. There is more than what meets the eye, for every painting has a story to tell.

Cerințe de sistem

    • SO: Windows 10
    • Procesor: 4th Gen i5/1st Gen Ryzen
    • Memorie: 4 GB RAM
    • Grafică: GeForce 7 Series/Radeon R7 Series
    • Stocare: 3 GB spațiu disponibil
    • SO: Windows 10
    • Procesor: 6th Gen i5/2nd Gen Ryzen (or better)
    • Memorie: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafică: GeForce 9 Series/Radeon R9 Series (or better)
    • Stocare: 3 GB spațiu disponibil
    • SO: OS X 10.12
    • Procesor: Intel Core i3
    • Memorie: 4 GB RAM
    • Grafică: 1GB RAM, OpenGL 3.3
    • Stocare: 2 GB spațiu disponibil
    • SO: OS X 10.15
    • Procesor: Intel Core i7
    • Memorie: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafică: 4GB RAM, OpenGL 4.5
    • Stocare: 2 GB spațiu disponibil

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