RTS base builder with constant production and minimal micromanagement. Direct fleets of autonomous ships in huge battles. Features a singleplayer story campaign with 3 distinct playable factions and many subfactions, and full level editor. Test your abilities in the shifting tides of the Spance.
Kürzliche Rezensionen:
Sehr positiv (28) - 96 % der 28 Nutzerrezensionen der letzten 30 Tage sind positiv.
Alle Rezensionen:
Sehr positiv (213) - 93 % der 213 Nutzerrezensionen für dieses Spiel sind positiv.
14. Jan. 2025

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Early Access-Spiel

Erhalten Sie sofortigen Zugang und bringen Sie sich in die Entwicklung ein.

Hinweis: Spiele im Early Access sind noch nicht fertiggestellt und können in Zukunft Änderungen erhalten. Wenn Ihnen das Spiel im aktuellen Zustand nicht gefällt, warten Sie eine Weile, um zu sehen, wie sich das Spiel weiterentwickelt. Mehr erfahren

Was die Entwickler zu sagen haben:

Wozu Early Access?

„We are looking to use your feedback to help refine the fun, performance, core design, and story of ATS. As well as forge a community map making and custom campaign scene of story tellers and challenges.“

Wie lange wird dieses Spiel ungefähr den Early Access-Status haben?

„Until the end of 2026“

Wie soll sich die Vollversion von der Early Access-Version unterscheiden?

„We hope to provide you with:
- Completion of our singleplayer Campaign's remaining chapters.
- Further functionality to the level editor and tools for user-made custom maps and campaigns.
- The 3rd playable faction, the Tychon Division.“

Was ist der derzeitige Stand der Early Access-Version?

„22 challenging campaign missions with story rich lore and atmosphere. Encompassing the first two chapters of the campaign.
Two fully playable Main Factions. The Kontaalen and Vaalkorei.
Over 50+ uniquely made and balanced warships.
Over 20 base structures and turrets.
A high quality upbeat sci-fi soundtrack.
A robust skirmish mode against dangerous AI opponents.
A powerful in-game level editor for fun custom maps.“

Wird dieses Spiel während und nach Early Access unterschiedlich viel kosten?

„The price of the game will be constant throughout Early Access. Upon release the game's price will increase.“

Wie werden Sie versuchen die Community in den Entwicklungsprozess miteinzubeziehen?

„Continuous feedback via our in-game reporting forms and Discord server, will help refine gameplay, fix bugs, improve balance, and inform future content.
Additionally, custom made maps and campaigns will forge a community of story tellers and challenges.“

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Constant endless unit production from your shipyards. Each ship is autonomous, they seek your opponents and prioritize what they are best suited to fight. Witness vast battles. Though you cannot directly control your units in the interference of the Spance, you can create waypoint chains to direct where shipyards send your fleets.

Inspired by the gameplay of Obliterate Everything by CWWallis.

Full Campaign

A fast-paced singleplayer campaign with over 40 missions where you fight both with and against each of the main factions. Delve the secrets of the Spance, and annihilate your opposition. Overcome the horrors of the storm and wield the might of interstellar armadas.

The Gameplay

Annihilate The Spance is a real-time strategy game focused on a singleplayer campaign that sees you handle base building, economy, and armadas of autonomous starships. In ATS your units cannot be commanded individually, but you have many solutions to direct them towards your goals. Each ship has its own intelligent AI, and will attempt to do its best alongside its brethren in the heat of battle.

Test your ability to respond to situations as they change and shift in the chaotic tide of a 3D battlefield. ATS features an unlocked height plane, allowing starships to fly up, down, and around their enemies. Battles are multiple stories high, and can bend and shift as new vessels with unique capabilities arrive upon the battlefield. ATS has a greatly varied unit scale, ranging from tiny drones to kilometers-long capital ships that can level entire bases multiple times over.

Each ship in ATS is autonomous, targeting and attacking on its own initiative while you focus on making higher-level strategic decisions. Plan your fleet composition carefully. Calculate build cycles. Make tactical positioning decisions. There is no single ship that can win this battle. Compose a mixture of ships from across your entire selection of blueprints. Exploit your enemies' weaknesses and capitalize on your strengths to annihilate the enemy.

The Story

ATS is set in a future embroiled in conflict following the discovery of a mysterious, ultra-dense nebula-like anomaly known as the Spance. An ancient, roiling storm of matter and energy, the Spance has roamed the galaxy for eons and dragged hundreds of solar systems into its depths. Extreme and inexplicable phenomena make navigation of the Spance treacherous, but the unfathomable riches contained within offer a lucrative new frontier full of promise. However, not all is as it seems.

Four interlinked campaigns will take you through the depths of the Spance. Encounter each of the major factions as they struggle toward their goals for the Spance and its treasures, all the while gaining access to new units and technologies. Learn the unique doctrines needed to command the military might of the Kontaalen Armada, the united fleets of the Vaalkorei Coalition mercantile guilds, and the experimental technologies of Emar's Tychon Division. Delve ever deeper into the impenetrable abyss of the Spance and unlock its secrets.

Skirmish, Custom Maps, and the Level Editor

Beyond the main campaign, you can jump directly into Skirmishes against AI opponents in custom maps and levels.

Additionally, our game features a full in-game level editor that can be used to create and share your own scenarios.

Offenlegung von KI-generierten Inhalten

Der Spieleentwickler beschreibt den Einsatz von KI-generierten Inhalten in diesem Spiel wie folgt:

Placeholder character art, to be replaced as funding allows.


    • Betriebssystem *: Windows 7+
    • Prozessor: 4 Core, 3.2 GHZ+
    • Arbeitsspeicher: 4 GB RAM
    • Grafik: A GPU produced after 2018 (or supports compute shaders)
    • DirectX: Version 11
    • Speicherplatz: 2 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
    • Betriebssystem: Windows 10
    • Prozessor: 4 Core, 3.5 GHZ+
    • Arbeitsspeicher: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafik: AMD Radeon RX6600
    • DirectX: Version 12
    • Speicherplatz: 4 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
    • Zusätzliche Anmerkungen: These are the specs of one of the developer's computers.
* Ab dem 1. Januar 2024 unterstützt der Steam-Client nur noch Windows 10 und neuere Versionen.

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