Explore a world built from the luscious landscapes, turbulent townscapes and preposterous portraits of real Renaissance paintings. Death of the Reprobate is a Rabelaisian adventure game from the creator of Four Last Things and The Procession to Calvary.
Πρόσφατες κριτικές:
Πολύ θετικές (31) - Το 90% των 31 κριτικών από χρήστες τις τελευταίες 30 ημέρες είναι θετικές.
Όλες οι κριτικές:
Πολύ θετικές (446) - Το 96% των 446 κριτικών από χρήστες για αυτό το παιχνίδι είναι θετικές.
Ημ/νία κυκλοφορίας:
7 Νοε 2024

Συνδεθείτε για να προσθέσετε αυτό το αντικείμενο στη Λίστα Επιθυμιών σας, να το ακολουθήσετε ή να το αγνοήσετε

Δείτε όλα τα παιχνίδια The Immortal John Triptych στο Steam

Αγορά: Death of the Reprobate

Αγορά: The Games by Joe Richardson Bundle ΠΑΚΕΤΟ (?)

Περιλαμβάνει 4 αντικείμενα: Death of the Reprobate, The Procession to Calvary, Four Last Things, The Preposterous Awesomeness of Everything

HK$ 219.57


“Its bawdy and playful quests are infectiously cheeky, and its smartly constructed puzzles will leave you wishing there were more … it's easily one of the most memorable games I've played all year.”

“The storyline is funny. The art is pretty. The classic music is catchy. Altogether they create a juxtaposition of perfect absurdity.”
Thumb Culture

“With its biting satire, intuitive gameplay, and Renaissance style, Richardson has once again proven he can make profound statements about human nature while making us laugh at our own pettiness.”
Checkpoint Gaming

Σχετικά με αυτό το παιχνίδι

Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array. By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested.

“Did you have a nice week?” asked Mrs God.

“No.” Replied God. “I have birthed another pitifully substandard world. Destined, no doubt, to spiral over millennia into a violent capitalist nightmare, just like all the rest of them.”

“Never mind,” said Mrs God. “Chicken pie for dinner!”


Immortal John is dying. As his last surviving heir, you have been summoned to hear his dying wish. Will he ask you to avenge his death!? To murder all those who have wronged him!!? To bring to fruition his life long plan to topple the ruling elite from within, shattering the balance of power, and ultimately saving the world!!!? Or will he simply ask you to stop being such a shit?

Only time will tell. Or me, I can tell you – It's the last one.

Death of the Reprobate is a gentle story about helping people and being a nice lad. Travel around a quiet, rural town - help the locals in their day to day tasks. Wander into the nearby woods - make idle chit-chit with a woman submerged neck-deep in a tiny pond. Climb to an idyllic viewpoint in the mountains, overlooking earth and sea and sky, the natural and the man-made, the eternal mystery held within the infinite depths of the distant horizon - help a man shoot some birds. This is a game full of slow burning simple pleasures...

...Until the Devil gets involved.


  • Pointing and Clicking – A traditional point and click interface, with a 'verb coin' interaction menu and a simple inventory from which you can drag and drop your preciously hoarded items.

  • Renaissance Artwork – Renaissance, Rococo and even a hint of Romanticism, to be a little more precise. Hundreds of paintings, spanning hundreds of years, are all brought together into one consistent world.

  • Classical Music – Music by Eduardo Antonello. Period appropriate music that adapts as the story progresses, recorded using real medieval/renaissance instruments.

  • Standalone Story – Death of the Reprobate is set in the same world as Four Last Things and The Procession to Calvary, and features some recurring characters/themes, but it can be played independently.

  • Highbrow Buffoonery – Lofty subject matter is treated with gleeful flippancy. Gags about butts are taken very seriously. But rest assured, while some of the jokes may be ridiculous, the puzzles make perfect sense! (or at least adhere to a consistent internal logic)

Περιγραφή περιεχομένου για ενήλικες

Οι δημιουργοί περιγράφουν το περιεχόμενο ως εξής:

Contains cartoon violence/nudity, occasional strong language and adult themes.

Απαιτήσεις συστήματος

SteamOS και Linux
    • Λειτουργικό σύστημα: Windows 10
    • Επεξεργαστής: 2 GHz - Dual Core
    • Μνήμη: 2 GB RAM
    • DirectX: Έκδοση 10
    • Αποθήκευση: 2 GB διαθέσιμος χώρος
    • Λειτουργικό σύστημα: Windows 11
    • Επεξεργαστής: 2 GHz - Dual Core
    • Μνήμη: 4 GB RAM
    • DirectX: Έκδοση 11
    • Αποθήκευση: 2 GB διαθέσιμος χώρος
    • Λειτουργικό σύστημα: Mac OSX 10.7
    • Επεξεργαστής: 2 GHz CPU
    • Μνήμη: 2 GB RAM
    • Αποθήκευση: 2 GB διαθέσιμος χώρος
    • Λειτουργικό σύστημα: Mac OS 10.11
    • Επεξεργαστής: 2 GHz CPU
    • Μνήμη: 4 GB RAM
    • Αποθήκευση: 2 GB διαθέσιμος χώρος
    • Λειτουργικό σύστημα: Ubuntu 14.04 / SteamOS
    • Επεξεργαστής: 2 GHz - Dual Core
    • Μνήμη: 2 GB RAM
    • Αποθήκευση: 2 GB διαθέσιμος χώρος
    • Λειτουργικό σύστημα: Ubuntu 14.04 / SteamOS
    • Επεξεργαστής: 2 GHz - Dual Core
    • Μνήμη: 4 GB RAM
    • Αποθήκευση: 2 GB διαθέσιμος χώρος

Κριτικές πελατών για Death of the Reprobate




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