The roguelike deckbuilder with the soul of a strategy game. Recruit and upgrade your forces. Deploy them to counter monstrous foes in card-slinging battles. Play your cards carefully in the treacherous city. Against all odds, will you bear the torch of humanity?
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Megjelenés dátuma:
2025. máj. 28.

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As We Descend Demo letöltése

Ez a játék még nem érhető el a Steamen

Tervezett megjelenési dátum: 2025. máj. 28.

A játék tervezett feloldásáig körülbelül 8 hét van hátra.

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A játékról

As We Descend is a strategy roguelike deckbuilder: you must play your cards right in both the apocalyptic battlefield and the last city of humankind.

Recruit new squads of units by utilizing scavenged technology. Each squad is a unique archetype with its own set of cards which can be added, removed, and upgraded. Deploy the right composition of forces in order to tailor your deck for success against each battle encounter.

The city is the last bastion of humanity and serves as your main base. Familiarize yourself with its denizens so you can survive its feudal politics and gain allies. Roll the dice to compel those in the city to your cause. Make the most of your limited time and resources so you can prepare sufficiently for the future.

Against titanic enemies, you must rely on not just strength but wit. Adapt your tactics by reacting to enemy intents. Master the combat zone system: reposition your forces between the Guard Zone and the Support Zone in order to dodge enemy attacks and set up a defensive line.

Each descent contains countless challenges, including surviving the post-apocalypse. Scavenge the resources you need to defend and upgrade as you attempt to break through the three biomes to enter the core. Rewards and mysteries both await you beneath the surface. Even if you fail, you will uncover new secrets and begin the next journey with new knowledge and tools to delve ever deeper.

Hailing from one of the three great factions of the City-Vault, you hold the key to its fate amidst the post-apocalypse. Outmaneuver the medieval politics of the city and unearth its deepest secrets. As the first and last line of defense for the city walls, you must hold the line...


    • Op. rendszer: Windows 10
    • Processzor: i5 4690k
    • Memória: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafika: GTX 1050 Ti (4GB VRAM)
    • Op. rendszer: Windows 11
    • Processzor: i5 9400F
    • Grafika: GTX 1070 (8GB VRAM)
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