Breadbox is a fascinating retro computer simulator that allows you to step back in time and experience the magic of machines from the 70s and 80s. In this visual environment, you can interact with hardware and old media as if they were real.
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Data lansării:
27 nov. 2021

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Ce au de spus producătorii:

De ce acces timpuriu?

„Breadbox as a project is overwhelming, as it aims for accurate simulation of 'all' retro computers. We have learned that a proper way to build big projects is to do it iteratively. The Early Access model plays an important role, in helping to get valuable feedback and guiding the project to the best possible direction in this early stage. The project scope and resources need to be dynamically adjusted to match the public interest. We believe the Early Access will be a great help in this matter.”

Aproximativ cât timp se va afla acest joc în acces timpuriu?

„When the basic features are decided and implemented and the product is working reliably. Roughly estimated, The Early Access will continue until the end of 2025.”

Cum se va diferenția versiunea completă de cea disponibilă în acces timpuriu?

„The final version will be a more mature, reliable, performant, and visually stunning version, but basically with the same content as the Early Access version. We will listen closely to the feedback during Early Access, and it may lead to some design changes to the final version.
However, this 'final version' will not be the final version of Breadbox. When the project has moved on from Early Access, we continue to implement more content, e.g. more computer models into it.
This is when the Breadbox will start to thrive!

Care este starea actuală a versiunii aflate în acces timpuriu?

„The Early Access version has been constantly evolving. Based on the feedback, the quality of the product is good, but you should still check that your computer's performance is sufficient before making a purchase decision. The number of users is still moderate, so there is still too little information available about what users think about this. For now, development continues in Early Access. At least in-game tutorials are planned. The development of other additional features will continue in moderation, depending on resources. The state of implemented features is listed in the game description, aka "About this game" section.”

Jocul va avea prețuri diferite pe durata accesului timpuriu și după părăsirea acestuia?

„The price will not change when we leave early access. After early access, as more content and features are implemented, the price will likely increase.”

Cum intenționezi să implici comunitatea în procesul tău de dezvoltare?

„The Breadbox Steam Community forum is the channel for discussing Breadbox. Whether you want to make a bug report or just discuss some features or get help, just browse or post in the proper community subforum. We will be closely following and interacting in the forum.
It's most convenient for everyone that the discussions and issues are open to everyone. But you can also reach our product support by email:”
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Despre acest joc

Breadbox is a fascinating retro computer simulator that allows you to step back in time and experience the magic of machines from the 70s and 80s. In this visual environment, you can interact with hardware and old media as if they were real. Let’s dive into the details:

What is Breadbox?

  • Breadbox is a realistic simulation of vintage computers, aiming to capture the essence of those iconic machines.

  • Imagine sitting in front of a Commodore 64 or other classic systems, complete with their distinctive design and functionality.

  • You’ll have the opportunity to tinker with hardware components, load up old software, and even test your programming skills using Basic or 8-bit machine language.

Features and Early Access:

  • The game is currently in Early Access, which means it’s still evolving and improving.

  • While the current version is already of good quality, keep in mind that it’s not the final version.

  • Early users influence the progress of the project and can also act as an active feedback provider.

  • The Early Access period is expected to continue until the end of 2025.

  • The goal is to create a more mature, reliable, performant, and visually stunning version while maintaining the same content.

  • Current selection of computers includes: Commodore 64, VIC-20, and PET 2001-8.

Limitations and possibilities:

  • The game does not contain any emulators or original software due to copyright concerns.

  • However, Installing an emulator is straightforward with the provided setup assistant.

  • Once the emulator is set up, you can test your programming skills, and even run original games.

  • In-game tutorials will instruct you on the media formats used for original software.

  • The tutorials also show you how to install and run the original software and games.

  • Learn how these computers work, learn to code, create new games and other programs.

  • Extensive support for various keyboard layouts. (For more information, see the manual)

  • Support for a wide variety of game controllers. (For more information, see the manual)

Future Plans:

  • With your support the final version of Breadbox may include additional content, such as more computer models beyond just Commodore systems.

  • The project’s scope and resources will adapt based on public interest and support.

  • So, whether you’re a nostalgic enthusiast or a curious newcomer, Breadbox invites you to explore the golden era of computing.

If you’re intrigued by retro technology, consider checking out Breadbox and immerse yourself in the world of vintage computers!

Cerințe de sistem

    • Necesită un procesor și sistem de operare pe 64 de biți
    • SO: Windows 10
    • Procesor: Intel Core i5 or AMD Ryzen 5
    • Memorie: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafică: NVIDIA GTX 1060 3GB / AMD RX 470 4GB (Shader Model 5.0)
    • DirectX: Versiune 11
    • Rețea: Conexiune cu bandă largă la internet
    • Stocare: 3 GB spațiu disponibil
    • Observații suplimentare: Currently, the minimum CPU and GPU requirements are set a bit high. It should work with a little bit lower specs, but the product hasn't been fully tested with less performant hardware. The game is not compatible with Linux/Proton or Steam Deck.
    • Necesită un procesor și sistem de operare pe 64 de biți
    • SO: Windows 10 or 11
    • Procesor: Intel Core i5 or AMD Ryzen 5
    • Memorie: 8 MB RAM
    • Grafică: NVIDIA GTX 1060 3GB / AMD RX 470 4GB
    • DirectX: Versiune 11
    • Rețea: Conexiune cu bandă largă la internet
    • Stocare: 3 GB spațiu disponibil

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