After the destruction of the EARTH in 2150, the leaders of the Eurasian Dynasty escaped on board an evacuation fleet. Now they are fighting for the survival of the human species. Their base is one large building comprising of smaller variable parts.
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Echilibrate (719) - 69% din cele 719 recenzii ale utilizatorilor pentru acest joc sunt pozitive.
Data lansării:
1 apr. 2006

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Cumpără Earth 2160

Cumpără Earth Universe Bundle SET (?)

Include 3 produse: Earth 2160, Earth 2140, Earth 2150 Trilogy

HK$ 142.40


“It may not replace "Star Craft" in terms of stature - but it’s damn close. The multiplayer matches are suitably intense, and the single-player campaign delivers everything in terms of both expectation and intention.”
90 – Gamer's Hell

“An extremely lengthy, deep, and beautiful strategy experience. From the very start, you'll find yourself drawn in and playing for quite a long time.”
85 – Worth Playing

“The super high learning cure will absolutely knock quite a few gamers out of their seats.”
87 – BonusStage

Despre acest joc

After the destruction of the EARTH in 2150, the leaders of the Eurasian Dynasty escaped on board an evacuation fleet. Now they are fighting for the survival of the human species. Their base is one large building comprising of smaller variable parts. The Lunar Corporation is already on the Red Planet and has to fight to find a new base and home after the destruction of the Earth. LC buildings are built one on top of the other, similar to a skyscraper, but with one big difference - they have the ability to defy all the laws of gravity to move quickly to a new location.

The UCS (United Civilized States) machines evolved from the UCS battle machines. During the long flight to Mars, the computer decided to kill all human survivors and then initiated a plan to conquer the solar system with its own mechanical army. The Aliens - alien renegades were imprisoned a long ago, deep in the unknown history of Mars.

In 2160 the landing of the UCS ships awoke them from their long sleep...


  • 4 playable parties with different basic technologies and abilities
  • Each party consists of more than 13 basic buildings and more than 13 basic units
  • 4 single player campaigns, each with 7 missions
  • Skirmish mode with 10 maps
  • 4 Multiplayer modes with 10 maps
  • Realistic, formable and multi-textured terrain
  • 12 virtual agents with special abilities
  • Multiplayer matches for up to 8 players per match
  • EarthC (programming language) SDK for Mod teams
  • Rich musical score consists of 29 dynamically varyied tracks
  • Includes Superstorm, Platinum and Titanium Map Pack

Cerințe de sistem

SteamOS + Linux
    • Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8
    • Intel/AMD Single Core CPU with 2.0 GHz
    • 1 GB RAM
    • DirectX 9.0 compatible graphics card with 128 MB RAM
    • DirectX compatible sound card
    • 2.0 GB free disk space
    • Broad band Internet connection
    • Keyboard and Mouse
    • Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8
    • Intel/AMD Core Duo CPU with 2.0 GHz
    • 2 GB RAM
    • Graphics Card with Shader 2.0 support and 256 MB
    • DirectX compatible sound card
    • 2.5 GB free disk space
    • Broad band Internet connection
    • Keyboard and Mouse
* Începând cu 1 ianuarie 2024, clientul Steam va fi compatibil numai cu Windows 10 și versiunile ulterioare.
    • Ubuntu 21.04
    • Intel/AMD Single Core CPU with 2.0 GHz
    • 1 GB RAM
    • DirectX 9.0 compatible graphics card with 128 MB RAM
    • DirectX compatible sound card
    • 2.0 GB free disk space
    • Broad band Internet connection
    • Keyboard and Mouse
    • Ubuntu 21.04
    • Intel/AMD Core Duo CPU with 2.0 GHz
    • 2 GB RAM
    • Graphics Card with Shader 2.0 support and 256 MB
    • DirectX compatible sound card
    • 2.5 GB free disk space
    • Broad band Internet connection
    • Keyboard and Mouse

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