Become your own bullet hell in Ring War! The online PvP top-down shooter where you can instantly join a lobby with up to 15 other players, scavenge a loadout from a pool of over 250 unique items, and battle to the top of the leaderboard.
Всички рецензии:
Предимно положителни (12) - 75% от 12 потребителски рецензии за тази игра са положителни.
Дата на издаване:
11 юли 2022

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Игра в „Ранен достъп“

Получете незабавен достъп до играта и се ангажирайте с нейното развитие.

Забележка: Игрите в „Ранен достъп“ не са завършени и е възможно по-нататък да се променят или не. Ако не сте въодушевени да я играете в текущото ѝ състояние, тогава ще е по-добре да изчакате. Вижте дали тя ще придобие по-завършен вид. Научете още.

Забележка: Последното обновление, направено от разработчиците, е било преди повече от 2 години. Възможно е информацията и хронологията, описани от разработчиците тук, вече да не са актуални.
Какво имат да кажат разработчиците:

Защо „Ранен достъп“?

„The sheer number of items and combinations of them can make the game especially difficult to balance, and may initially result in a handful of encounters that players find either unfair or simply unfun to play against. As players begin learning both the simple and more complex mechanics and strategies, it's important that nothing ever feels over or underwhelming. Player feedback will prove to be incredibly helpful as Ring War shapes up to its upcoming full release, as new items, cosmetics, and features are added and existing ones are polished.

Early Access also allows me to handle inevitable bugs and make improvements to the overall stability and networking of the game.

I'm just one person, so I'm eager to hear what people are looking forward to from my game (❁´◡`❁)

Приблизително колко дълго тази игра ще бъде в „Ранен достъп“?

„Ring War is estimated to remain in Early Access until summer 2023.“

Как ще се различава планираната пълна версия от тази в „Ранен достъп“?

„The complete version of Ring War is planned to include additional items and cosmetics, and an experience that the playerbase has verified to be both satisfying and well-balanced.

Various non-gameplay elements will also be enhanced if required, and more music tracks are expected to be made available.

Furthermore, a fourth game mode with a more traditional, competitive, and punishing approach to combat is in early production and is planned to be made available for testing later.“

Какво е текущото състояние на версията в „Ранен достъп“?

„Ring War currently supports 3 online PvP game modes, over 250 items, and hundreds of cosmetics available.“

Ще има ли разлика в цената на играта по време на „Ранен достъп“ и след това?

„The game will remain free to play after leaving Early Access.“

Как планирате да ангажирате общността в процеса Ви на разработка?

„Discussions and suggestions on the official are the best ways to provide feedback. The community and the support it provides will be highly valued, even after leaving Early Access.“
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Become your own bullet hell in Ring War! The online PvP top-down shooter where you can instantly join a lobby with up to 15 other players, scavenge a loadout from a pool of over 250 unique items, and battle to the top of the leaderboard.


  • Join or host a lobby to play with up to 15 other players online
  • 250+ unique items make every encounter unique and each match endlessly competitive
  • Battle to the top of the leaderboard alone in a Free-For-All match, or alongside allies in the 2 Teams or 4 Teams modes
  • Complete a variety of achievements as you master different items
  • Kill enemies, scrap items, and take control of the central ring to gain experience and level up
  • Getting in or out of a lobby is quick, so you can enjoy playing casually or more seriously regardless of whether you have time for a few hours or just a few minutes
  • Customize yourself with beautiful combinations of animated patterns and color palettes


Download and play Ring War for free!

While Ring War is mostly a complete experience already, there's always room for suggestions or feedback directly from the players for future content and updates! The best way to do this is on the official Ring War community Discord server.

Системни изисквания

    • Изисква 64-битов процесор и операционна система
    • Мрежа: Широколентова интернет връзка
    • Изисква 64-битов процесор и операционна система
    • Допълнителни бележки: Ring War currently only officially supports 1920x1080 resolution displays. Players with other resolutions may want to navigate to RingWar.exe Properties and enable 'High DPI scaling override' for a clearer image. Regardless, this should not impact the gameplay experience.

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