DogeFight is an EPIC Third-Person Multiplayer Fighting game👍 Play with your favorite memes and be the last survivor by defeating your opponents with special abilites and weapons! But be careful not to be SUS 🗿
Toate recenziile:
În mare parte pozitive (740) - 78% din cele 740 recenzii ale utilizatorilor pentru acest joc sunt pozitive.
Data lansării:
26 apr. 2022

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Joacă DogeFight


Despre acest joc

DogeFight is an EPIC Third-Person Multiplayer Fighting game 👍
Play with the most incredible meme characters of all times like Stonks or Doge in a fun/competitive pvp game.

More precisely, this game consists in surviving in a map with 10 other players, with a total of 3 lives. You have to be the last player alive by looting weapons and fighting your opponents until everybody lost their live's, and cannot respawn anymore.
By winning a game, you will collect a huge amount of "Social Credit", which allows you to be ranked in the online DogeFight leaderboard, with a specific rank according to your level.
You can also gain social credit by collecting amogos coins in different maps, which you are able to keep if you survive at the end.

This game is designed to play with friends in the same lobby, but it's also possible to play with randoms thanks to the server list. Be the best DogeFight player by mastering characters spells and climbing the ranks!


  • Lobby system
  • Up to 10 players in a game
  • A wide variety of loot and weapons
  • 9 Different characters with different attacks
  • 6 unic maps based on memes
  • Public Server List
  • Ranking system with in-game leaderboard and ranks

    Descrierea conținutului destinat publicului matur

    Dezvoltatorii descriu conținutul astfel:

    Fights without gore or blood and with a cartoon style.

    Cerințe de sistem

      • SO *: Windows XP/Vista//7/8/8.1/10/11
      • Procesor: 1 GHz
      • Grafică: 256mb Video Memory, capable of OpenGL 2.0+ support
    * Începând cu 1 ianuarie 2024, clientul Steam va fi compatibil numai cu Windows 10 și versiunile ulterioare.

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