A co-op horror about scavenging at abandoned moons to sell scrap to the Company.
Recenzii recente:
Foarte pozitive (4,870) - 94% din cele 4,870 recenzii ale utilizatorilor din ultimele 30 zile sunt pozitive.
Toate recenziile:
Extrem de pozitive (389,432) - 97% din cele 389,432 recenzii ale utilizatorilor pentru acest joc sunt pozitive.
Data lansării:
23 oct. 2023

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Joc cu acces timpuriu

Primește imediat acces și implică-te în testarea jocului pe măsură ce este dezvoltat.

Notă: jocurile aflate în acces timpuriu nu sunt complete și se pot schimba sau nu pe viitor. Dacă nu ești dornic să joci acest titlu în stadiul său actual, atunci ar trebui să aștepți pentru a vedea dacă jocul va ajunge într-un stadiu mai avansat al dezvoltării. Află mai multe

Ce au de spus producătorii:

De ce acces timpuriu?

„At this stage I'm confident you will have a good time with Lethal Company. But there are still many ideas and features I have in mind. I also need your feedback to help tune the game's difficulty and balance. Lethal Company is "finished" but still far from realizing its potential.”

Aproximativ cât timp se va afla acest joc în acces timpuriu?

„I plan to finish it within 6 months. With that said, it will remain early access until I'm satisfied with it. This depends on players' reactions to it and how I feel about it myself.”

Cum se va diferenția versiunea completă de cea disponibilă în acces timpuriu?

„I want Lethal Company to be so full of creatures, items, customization, and map variations that it feels "infinitely replayable." This is the type of game that benefits from being full of stuff. Besides that I want to iron out most glitches and tighten the game's design and difficulty so it can be enjoyed by new and experienced players alike.”

Care este starea actuală a versiunii aflate în acces timpuriu?

„The game is playable with up to 4 players. There are at least 7 planets to explore, 9 creatures to discover, and 8 tools you can purchase from the shop, as well as vanity items you can buy to customize your ship (all with in-game currency). You can fill out a bestiary of all the alien creatures by scanning them, and you can find journal entries left by a previous crew.”

Jocul va avea prețuri diferite pe durata accesului timpuriu și după părăsirea acestuia?

„I don't plan on changing the price.”

Cum intenționezi să implici comunitatea în procesul tău de dezvoltare?

„At this point Lethal Company could go in many directions. Your feedback will help me focus the game's design. I will mainly be looking at reactions on our Discord and Patreon as well as watching video playthroughs. I may also use your ideas for new creatures and items to add into the game.”
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Despre acest joc

You are a contracted worker for the Company. Your job is to collect scrap from abandoned, industrialized moons to meet the Company's profit quota. You can use the cash you earn to travel to new moons with higher risks and rewards--or you can buy fancy suits and decorations for your ship. Experience nature, scanning any creature you find to add them to your bestiary. Explore the wondrous outdoors and rummage through their derelict, steel and concrete underbellies. Just never miss the quota.

These dangers prey upon the vulnerable and lonesome, and the protection of your crew may be your only hope. You can guide your crewmates from your ship, using the radar to call out traps and using the ship's terminal to access remotely locked doors--or you can all go in together. The Company store has many useful tools for the job, including lights, shovels, walkie talkies, stun grenades, or boomboxes.

Things get dangerous at night. Communicate with your crewmates to carry all valuables to the ship before things get too dangerous, and try not to leave anyone behind.

Descrierea conținutului destinat publicului matur

Dezvoltatorii descriu conținutul astfel:

The game has a realistic atmosphere. Player characters can die through various means, some involving dismemberment or decapitation. Player characters can use fictional medical drugs recklessly.

Cerințe de sistem

    • Necesită un procesor și sistem de operare pe 64 de biți
    • SO: Windows 10
    • Procesor: Intel Core i5-7400 CPU @ 3.00GHz ; Shader Model 5
    • Grafică: NVIDIA GForce GTX 1050
    • DirectX: Versiune 11
    • Rețea: Conexiune cu bandă largă la internet
    • Stocare: 2 GB spațiu disponibil
    • Necesită un procesor și sistem de operare pe 64 de biți

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