Get ready for a Waterworld-themed survival game with modular base building, sunken city scavenging, crafting, base defense, and invasions of NPC clans for resources and territory. Ready for the water apocalypse?
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Foarte pozitive (171) - 80% din cele 171 recenzii ale utilizatorilor din ultimele 30 zile sunt pozitive.
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Foarte pozitive (18,032) - 81% din cele 18,032 recenzii ale utilizatorilor pentru acest joc sunt pozitive.
Data lansării:
25 aug. 2023

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Joc cu acces timpuriu

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Notă: jocurile aflate în acces timpuriu nu sunt complete și se pot schimba sau nu pe viitor. Dacă nu ești dornic să joci acest titlu în stadiul său actual, atunci ar trebui să aștepți pentru a vedea dacă jocul va ajunge într-un stadiu mai avansat al dezvoltării. Află mai multe

Ce au de spus producătorii:

De ce acces timpuriu?

„We want to engage with our community and get valuable feedback and ideas to fuel the future development of this game.”

Aproximativ cât timp se va afla acest joc în acces timpuriu?

„We are aiming to bring it to completion in one year. But that time frame can vary based on the players' feedback and possible modifications for improving the game.”

Cum se va diferenția versiunea completă de cea disponibilă în acces timpuriu?

„The full version will contain more locations to explore, new crafting items, buildings, ships and lore/storyline. And community generated ideas, contents in the game.”

Care este starea actuală a versiunii aflate în acces timpuriu?

„We have a playable survival game with base building, base defense, crafting, trading, combat, boat driving, underwater adventure and many unique locations to explore.”

Jocul va avea prețuri diferite pe durata accesului timpuriu și după părăsirea acestuia?

„We do plan to gradually increase price as we ship more content.”

Cum intenționezi să implici comunitatea în procesul tău de dezvoltare?

„We will be active on the steam forum, our Discord server and other social media. We will also frequently publish devlogs on our website and Youtube channel.”
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Cumpără Sunkenland

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“Two of the best survival games combine as 'Raft meets Rust' in underwater base-builder Sunkenland.”

“If players want to feel like they are trying to survive in an ocean-covered world, fighting for resources and fending off mutants, Sunkenland will likely be up their street”
Game Rant

“The idea of constructing a base and defending it from NPCs adds a new layer to the genre”
Gaming Bible

Despre acest joc

Sunkenland is an exciting post-apocalyptic survival and exploration game set in the near future when water covered most of the Earth. Explore sunken cities, scavenge resources and valuable technologies, build your base, trade, fight and survive.



Explore the sunken skyscrapers, nuclear powerplants and subway tunnel. Gather resources, seek out lost technologies, and collect rare pre-apocalypse items. Build diving devices to assist your underwater journey. And be wary of the unknown danger awaiting you in the depths of this planet.

Base Building

Build your base anywhere you want. Will it be a water stronghold, an abandoned ship base or an island penthouse? You need it to keep yourself refreshed, craft items, farm, store items, and stay protected. With the modular building system, you can create your ideal enclave and stylize it with decorations found throughout your journey.

Base Defense

Defend your base against clans of pirates and mutants. Build high walls, barbed wire, traps, surveillance system, and artillery to keep the enemies out of your territory!


Build everything you need, tools, weapons, a jetski, and even a helicopter. You will need different workstations and blueprints in order to craft complex items.


Gather food, hunt sharks, grow plants, and manage supplies. Make your base sustainable as resources are scarce in Sunkenland.


Build and upgrade many types of vehicles including sailboat, jetski and gyrocopters. They will make your exploration much more convenient.


Fight mutants and pirates. Raid enemy atolls and steal their resources. Use melee weapons, firearms and explosives. Fight on ocean and land. Operate mounted heavy weapons to destroy enemy boats.


Trade with friendly atolls for supplies, weapons, armor and rare items. There is no universal currency, only item for item.


Cooperate with friends and survive this oceanic apocalypse as a group. Build bases, dive, explore and fight pirates together!

Cerințe de sistem

    • SO *: Windows 7
    • Procesor: Intel Dual-Core 2.4 GHz
    • Memorie: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafică: NVIDIA GeForce 8800GT
    • SO *: Windows 7
    • Procesor: Quad Core Processor
    • Memorie: 16 GB RAM
    • Grafică: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560
* Începând cu 1 ianuarie 2024, clientul Steam va fi compatibil numai cu Windows 10 și versiunile ulterioare.

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