Onwards to revolution in this challenging deck-building roguelite. Free your gnome comrades, assemble your squad, mind wieners (supplies), slay the slavers, and take down the fiercest of them all – Snow White! FREEDOM TO GNOMES!
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Meget positive (175) - 86% af de 175 brugeranmeldelser for dette spil er positive.
18. juli 2024

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Hvad udviklerne har at sige:

Hvorfor tidlig adgang?

“Early Access allows players to join us in the goal of creating the best foundation for a deep and highly replayable experience. In addition to refining the game’s core mechanics, we plan to introduce new features and content over the course of the EA period and would love to hear your feedback.”

Hvor lang tid vil dette spil være i tidlig adgang?

“We are expecting the EA period to last ~6 months, but it depends on player feedback.”

Hvorledes kommer den fulde version til at være anderledes end produktet i tidlig adgang?

“We plan to regularly release updates during the EA period that will add new features and content, including: 3 new Acts that complete the Story mode. The heroes will have more talents and the third hero will join them. In addition, there will be 12 new monsters, 7 new bosses, 52 gnome cards, improved balance and player experience.”

Hvad er den nuværende tilstand for versionen med tidlig adgang?

“The EA version of Union of Gnomes is a fully playable game. It presents the base game experience that is missing a few additional features outlined in the roadmap. For more details please refer to "About This Game" section.”

Ændrer spillets pris sig under og efter tidlig adgang?

“The price might go up when the full game launches and as more content will be available.”

Hvordan har I tænkt jer at involvere fællesskabet i jeres udviklingsproces?

“We are looking forward to player suggestions via the Steam Community and our Discord.”
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Download Union of Gnomes Demo

Køb Union of Gnomes

HK$ 95.00

Køb Union of Gnomes - Deluxe Edition

Indeholder 2 emner: Union of Gnomes, Union of Gnomes - Artbook

HK$ 108.90

Køb Fairy Tales & Cards BUNDT (?)

Indeholder 2 emner: Union of Gnomes, Deathless. Tales of Old Rus

HK$ 225.90
HK$ 190.80

Køb Herocraft PC Deck Building Bundle BUNDT (?)

Indeholder 2 emner: Union of Gnomes, Deck of Souls

HK$ 138.40
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“This is honestly one of the best deck-builders I've played.”
Yippee Ki Yay Mr Falcon

“It does just enough unique and interesting things that it stands out in a lot of ways...”

“Some people are going to absolutely love this one for sure”


Om dette spil

Behold a quirky fairy tale set in the revolutionary times of a far far away kingdom.

Embark on the challenging journey to lead the gnome’s uprising, stand against Snow White’s oppressive rule, assemble your liberation forces, and bring freedom to this land.

Free your gnome comrades to bolster your squad with the best freedom fighters. Experiment with the lineup to reveal powerful synergies and combos with 130 cards that will either hit, poison, weaken, blind your enemies, or get your gnomes drunk…

Pick one of three plucky gnome heroes with unique traits, distinctive decks, and special abilities to slay the slavers. Enhance them between game runs to perfect your build.

Take down the ferocious enemies from different fairy tales, including the Red Hood, Wizard of Oz, Pinocchio, or Snow White herself. Mind your foes' positioning and get the upper hand by using devastating effects, like destroying their spirit by showing them a tiny gnome’s butt.

In Union of Gnomes, there are…

  • 3 gnome heroes, 130 cards to use in your deck, and 24 different effects to throw into your enemies or gnomes' faces.
  • 19 fairy-tallish bosses to beat, and dozens of regular enemies to slay.
  • 6 acts of pure revolutionary story with quirky quests and hidden stories.
  • Story mode, along with the infinite gameplay Neverending Nightmare mode.


    • Styresystem *: Windows® 7/10
    • Processor: 2.0 Ghz
    • Hukommelse: 2 GB RAM
    • Grafik: DirectX 9 Compatible GPU
    • DirectX: Version 9.0
    • Netværk: Bredbåndsinternetforbindelse
    • Diskplads: 1 GB tilgængelig plads
    • Lydkort: DirectSound Compatible Sound Card with latest drivers
    • Styresystem *: Windows® 7/10
    • Processor: 2.0 Ghz
    • Hukommelse: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafik: DirectX 9 Compatible GPU
    • DirectX: Version 9.0
    • Netværk: Bredbåndsinternetforbindelse
    • Diskplads: 1 GB tilgængelig plads
    • Lydkort: DirectSound Compatible Sound Card with latest drivers
* Fra den 1. januar 2024 understøttes Steam-klienten kun på Windows 10 og senere udgaver.

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