Once upon a time, there was a fly. A hungry fly. A fly with razor-sharp teeth, with a taste for dead things. This is the tale of its adventure to find something dead to devour, in a swamp where nothing dies, everything is grotesque, and every choice matters, no matter how surreal.
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23 okt 2024

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Tales of Flies : The Hungry Fly kopen

Grotesque tales kopen BUNDEL (?)

Bevat 2 items: The Repairing Mantis, Tales of Flies : The Hungry Fly

HK$ 85.50

Psychological Horror kopen

Bevat 2 items: A day without me, Tales of Flies : The Hungry Fly

HK$ 80.75

Over dit spel

Once upon a time, in a swampland dreary, a fly awakened, weak and weary. Possessed of hunger, it set out on a search to find a morsel, a corpse, to stop starvation. But there was no death to be found in the swamp, only tormented life. It journeyed on, meeting strange creatures living in the swamp, ever sadder and more tortured, until, by chance, it happened on something delicious. 

You are the fly. Play as the dirty, filthy, corpse-eating fly on a mission to devour a monster living in a bath in a house far away.

Meet grotesque, surreal inhabitants who will ask you to do surreal and horrible things. Do them and eat horrific things to sate the fly's hunger for dead flesh. Then restart the tale and choose a different path through the story, eating your way to three different endings.

Be the fly. Explore. Meet depressing caterpillars. Experience a disturbing tale of existential horror. Welcome to the next brainchild of the creators of The Repairing Mantis.

Beschrijving inhoud voor volwassenen

De ontwikkelaars omschrijven de inhoud als volgt:

This game is intended only for mature audiences. It includes violence, blood, and gore.

Also, if you are sensitive to one or more of these themes, please do not play The Hungry Fly :
- Self-harm
- Arachnophobia
This list is not 100% exhaustive. If you have any doubts, it’s safe to assume that this game is not suitable for you.

Be safe.


    • Besturingssysteem: 64-bit Windows 10
    • Processor: Intel CPU Core i5 2500k / AMD CPU Phenom II X4 940
    • Geheugen: 6 GB RAM
    • Grafische kaart: Nvidia GPU GeForce GTX 660 / AMD GPU Radeon HD 7870
    • DirectX: Versie 11
    • Opslagruimte: 1 GB beschikbare ruimte

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