Wobble Warriors is a 1-4 player ragdoll fighting couch co-op game. In this dungeon crawler, you and your friends play as some wobbly dragons on a mission to conquer the goblins who stole your gold. Jump, dash, ground pound, and bonk your way to victory by clearing each room.
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Κυρίως θετικές (11) - Το 72% των 11 κριτικών από χρήστες για αυτό το παιχνίδι είναι θετικές.
Ημ/νία κυκλοφορίας:
25 Αυγ 2023

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Σχετικά με αυτό το παιχνίδι

Wobble Warriors is a 1-4 player ragdoll fighting couch co-op game. In this dungeon crawler, you and your friends play as some wobbly dragons on a mission to conquer the goblins who stole your gold. Jump, dash, ground pound, and bonk your way to victory by clearing each room. The king of the goblins is not only hoarding away the dragon's gold, but has locked himself in the throne room. Find the golden key, defeat the king, and celebrate your victory!

Traversing the slime-covered goblin's dungeon is scary by yourself, so bring some friends along and reap the benefits of having additional help. Allied dragons can ground pound near knocked out dragons to revive them back to full health while pushing away the goblins at the same time. Even if an allied dragon cannot come to revive their friend, health slowly replenishes as long as all dragons are not knocked out. When all dragons are knocked out, a life is lost and all players get teleported to the previous room. When all lives are gone, it's game over.

Whether you want to play with others or play by yourself to strengthen your skills, Wobble Warriors was made in mind to be played by all skill levels. Will you rejoice in victory or will you get knocked down to try again?

Απαιτήσεις συστήματος

    • Λειτουργικό σύστημα *: Windows 7
    • Επεξεργαστής: Intel Core i5
    • Μνήμη: 8 GB RAM
    • Γραφικά: Intel HD Graphics 4600
    • Αποθήκευση: 4 GB διαθέσιμος χώρος
* Από την 1η Ιανουαρίου 2024, η εφαρμογή Steam θα υποστηρίζει μόνο Windows 10 και νεότερες εκδόσεις.

Κριτικές πελατών για Wobble Warriors




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