Explore a story-rich, mysterious world inspired by Celtic folklore, use crystals to channel powerful magic, and make impactful choices that change the story's outcome. A unique Crystal System and battles with dangerous Fae await in this charming, pixel-style, retro modern RPG.
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Сваляне Forge of the Fae Demo

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Относно тази игра

Gear up and join Fiora, a brilliant inventor on a quest to uncover the truth behind a series of mysterious disappearances. Dive into an immersive and enchanting fantasy world, rich with magic, wonder, and danger.

As the miners' strike rages on, tensions run high, and the Mining Company hires muscle to quash the unrest. Amidst the chaos, people are vanishing left and right, and the violence only makes the situation worse. But Fiora won't let the distractions get in her way.

Explore a world inspired by ancient Celtic folklore, full of intrigue, adventure, and endless possibilities. With a diverse cast of fascinating characters, each with their own unique playstyle, you'll need to stay on your toes to outwit your foes and uncover the truth.

The choices you make will have a real impact on the story's outcome, so choose wisely! Upgrade your trusty Mechanical Faerie and use the innovative Crystal System to channel powerful magic from the world of the Fae. With every battle and challenge, you'll become stronger and more adept at navigating this fascinating world.

Immerse yourself in this gorgeous pixel-style RPG that combines retro charm with modern gameplay mechanics. This is a game like no other, full of twists, turns, and surprises at every turn. Get ready to embark on an unforgettable adventure!

Системни изисквания

    • Изисква 64-битов процесор и операционна система
    • ОС *: Windows 7 or later
    • Процесор: any quad core or more recent processor
    • Видеокарта: GTX700 series or AMD equivalent
    • Пространство за съхранение: 3 GB достъпно пространство
    • Изисква 64-битов процесор и операционна система
* Считано от 01 януари 2024 Steam клиентът ще поддържа само Windows 10 и по-нови версии.
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