Players will help a white-robed girl and her friends uncover the truth of the planet using unique dash gameplay. The storyline is fully voiced by renowned actors, with meticulously designed levels and energetic music for you to enjoy!
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6. maj 2024

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Køb 星躍物語Star Leaping Story

HK$ 54.00

Køb Space Platforming Bundle - Ingression x Star Leaping Story BUNDT (?)

Indeholder 2 emner: Ingression, 星躍物語Star Leaping Story

HK$ 108.00



Om dette spil

《Star Leaping Story》
It is a "2D side-scrolling platformer action game" that challenges your reflexes and dexterity with a unique dash system.
The game has no punitive mechanics, allowing you to learn and grow from each failure through continuous deaths and rebirths.
Every failure is an opportunity for learning and personal growth!
Stay determined, have unwavering faith, and break through barriers together with your companions!

Welcome to experience the demo version!

You can enjoy a more lively story with professional voice acting!

◆ Gold ball(CV:Fairouz Ai
◆ Mysterious scientist(CV:Yusuke Kobayashi
◆ White coat girl、Dr. Red Hair(CV:Yu Shimamura
◆ Star Clouwey(CV:Mai Goto
◆ In addition, ten voice actors also participate to enrich the story!

A young girl awakens from a laboratory and embarks on a journey to uncover the truth with her former companions.
Along the way, she encounters peculiar extraterrestrial beings and faces various challenging obstacles.
In order to recover her memories,
the player must guide her and her companions through numerous crises and uncover the secrets of the planet.
The objective is to escape from this celestial body!

Challenge your dexterity with a unique dash system!
When you jump upwards or descend, simply press the spacebar at the right moment to unleash your skill!
Upon activation, you will merge with your golden ball companion and hover in mid-air.
Then, by pressing the arrow keys (↑ ↓ ← →) in succession, you can dash repeatedly in the corresponding direction.
You can dash up to five times and upon landing, the dash will automatically end and the dash count will refresh.

Unbelievable obstacles, intriguing and curious challenges await skilled players who are eager to test their abilities.
Now is the perfect opportunity for aspiring masters to take on the challenge and seize the moment!

Created full-time and took nearly a year to complete,
Individually crafted from software, artwork, music, to story design and cutscene production,
Inspired by beloved indie games,
Hoping to create a joyful and moving experience for everyone!


    • Styresystem *: windows7/8/10/11
    • Processor: any type
    • Hukommelse: 2 GB RAM
    • Grafik: any type
    • Diskplads: 1 GB tilgængelig plads
    • Lydkort: you must have one ,need not too expensive.
    • Styresystem *: windows7/8/10/11
    • Processor: any type
    • Hukommelse: 4 GB RAM
    • Grafik: any type
    • Diskplads: 2 GB tilgængelig plads
    • Lydkort: you must have one ,need not too expensive.
* Fra den 1. januar 2024 understøttes Steam-klienten kun på Windows 10 og senere udgaver.

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