Feel the excitement of flying the Su-25T "Frogfoot" attack jet and the TF-51D "Mustang" in the free-to-play Digital Combat Simulator World!
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Data lansării:
18 mart. 2018

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Joacă DCS World Steam Edition

Free to Play


Conținut pentru jocul acestaRăsfoiește tot (159)


Despre acest joc

Feel the excitement of flying the Su-25T "Frogfoot" attack jet and the TF-51D "Mustang" in the free-to-play Digital Combat Simulator World! Two free maps are also included: The eastern Black Sea and the Mariana Islands.

Digital Combat Simulator World

Digital Combat Simulator World (DCS World) is a free-to-play digital battlefield game.

Our dream is to offer the most authentic simulation of military aircraft, ground and armor vehicles, and naval units possible. This free download includes a vast area of the Caucasus region as well as a free Mariana Islands map. It includes one of the most powerful Mission Editors ever designed, network play, and hundreds of AI weapons systems, ground units, armored vehicles, air defense systems, and ships. It also includes a free Russian Sukhoi Su-25T ground attack jet and the famous WWII North American TF-51D Mustang fighter.

DCS is a true "sandbox" simulation that is also designed to cover multiple time periods of interest such as WWII, Korean War, Vietnam, Gulf War and others.

Current regions to battle include the Black Sea, Marianas, Nevada Test and Training Range, Persian Gulf, English Channel, Syria, and Normandy 1944.

DCS World is a deep and realistic simulation that can be tailored to suit any level of experience. Our mission is to deliver excellence and make your dreams a virtual reality. We do this by offering training for complex weapons systems like the DCS: F/A-18C Hornet, DCS: F-16C Viper, DCS: AH-64D, and many more. The next step is the real thing!


  • A realistic Free-to-Play digital battlefield.

  • Eagle Dynamics Graphics Engine (EDGE) that looks amazing from 0 to 80,000 feet.

  • Free American TF-51 Mustang and Russian Su-25T attack jet.

  • Multi-layer volumetric cloudscapes with wind, precipitation, air pressure, and more.

  • Highly detailed map of the Caucasus region that encompass southwestern Russia and Georgia. 20 operational airbases, detailed terrain, and both civil and military infrastructure with thousands of kilometers of usable roads and railway.

  • Detailed recreation of the Mariana Islands including 1,500 x 1,000km of land and ocean for naval operations that includes Andersen AFB and the airfields on Rota, Tinian and Saipan.

  • Includes hundreds of fully operational weapons systems, ground vehicles, ships and AI-controlled aircraft.

  • The Mission Editor allows rapid mission generation and the possibility to create your own missions and campaigns for unlimited gameplay.

  • Multi-Crew enables full network play in the same aircraft in Multiplayer.

  • Thousands of online servers offering PvP and PvE.

  • Mouse interactive 6 degrees of Freedom (6DOF) cockpits

  • Accurate flight models, weapons systems, sensors, targeting systems and sounds.

  • Hundreds of missions and campaigns with new campaigns continually created.

  • Community Files section offering endless user created modifications, skins, missions and more.

  • Full virtual reality support.

Cerințe de sistem

    • SO: Windows 10, 11
    • Procesor: Intel or AMD 3.0Ghz+ with 4+ cores
    • Memorie: 16 GB RAM
    • Grafică: Discrete AMD or NVIDIA 8GB+
    • DirectX: Versiune 11
    • Stocare: 200 GB spațiu disponibil
    • Compatibilitate cu RV: SteamVR, Oculus VR
    • Observații suplimentare: Input: Keyboard / Mouse / Joystick
    • SO: Windows 10, 11
    • Procesor: Intel or AMD 4.5Ghz+ with 8+ cores
    • Memorie: 32 GB RAM
    • Grafică: Discrete AMD or NVIDIA 8GB+
    • DirectX: Versiune 11
    • Stocare: 500 GB spațiu disponibil
    • Compatibilitate cu RV: SteamVR, Oculus VR, OpenXR
    • Observații suplimentare: Input: Joystick / Pedals / VR / Track IR / Haptic Gloves

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