Lead an army of mythical creatures through a dark fantasy world. In this genre-defying mix of tactics, adventure, and more, you'll level up your hero, blast monsters with spells, loot and recruit. Explore an unpredictable, non-linear world, where you'll face Dragons, Titans, Hydras, and... crabs?!
Усі рецензії:
схвальні (22) - 81% з 22 рецензій на цю гру є позитивними.
Дата виходу:
26 трав. 2024

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Гра з дочасним доступом

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Увага: ігри з дочасним доступом не завершені й надалі можуть як істотно змінюватися, так і ні. Якщо вам не дуже кортить грати в цю гру в її поточному стані, краще зачекайте, доки вона не набуде довершенішого вигляду. Докладніше

Що бажають сказати розробники:

Чому дочасний доступ?

«We would love to hear feedback from the community and improve the game to provide the best experience. Due to the short runs and a lot of replayability, Dethroned is the perfect game to utilize Early Access. Players' feedback will help us improve the game in the direction the player wants. There are no issues in getting back to the game, even after a few months, to enjoy the next big update and relive the experience.»

Як довго гра буде у дочасному доступі?

«We target to release the full version of Dethroned in 2025.»

Чим повна версія гри буде відрізнятися від версії для дочасного доступу?

«In the full version of the game, we plan to add more content: biomes, mages, creatures, artifacts, spells, and locations. In the period of Early Access, we want to cooperate with the community to improve the game.»

Який поточний стан версії для дочасного доступу?

«The Early Access version is fully playable. You can beat and endlessly repeat the game because of procedurally generated maps and two difficulty levels. Currently, there are 3 mages, 38 creatures, 25 artifacts with 4 different rarities, 7 spells, 4 biomes, and 21 locations. After beating the game by 3 mages, a stage-based, huge battle awaits you.»

Чи буде відрізнятися ціна гри протягом дочасного доступу та після його завершення?

«We plan to increase the price after the Early Access.»

Як ви плануєте залучати спільноту до розробки гри?

«We are open to feedback from the community and we discuss all suggestions. We are active on our Discord server and the Steam forum.»
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Про цю гру

Assemble a team of extraordinary creatures, build your influence, level up your mage, and discover powerful artifacts to recover the lost realms. Take on the role of mages that once ruled the world side by side, until it was usurped by a rebellious mage - Qorus. With the help of fantastic creatures and monsters, restore the world to its former order.


The unique combination of carefully designed locations with procedural generation makes the game world different every time and filled with interesting places. Complete quests to expand the world and permanently increase the pool of available locations, spells, and artifacts.


Each mage once ruled their own realm. Now with much less influence, they want to regain what has been taken from them.
Each ex-ruler has a unique base skill and a set of possible development paths that unlock along with the experience gained during the game. For example, the necromancer can focus on summoning the dead, cursing enemies, or mixing these skills - you decide.


A well-chosen spell can single-handedly destroy the enemy team or save your units. Spells are essential to the game, but each is disposable, and you can only have a few at once. You must carefully choose when to use them.


  • 5 playable mages with different gameplay styles
  • 40+ fantastic creatures to join or challenge your party
  • 30+ artifacts, each one with 4 different rarities
  • Multiple offensive and defensive spells
  • 20+ hand-designed, small locations with unique themes
  • A world that evolves between adventures - new locations, artifacts, and spells that open up more possibilities
  • Dynamic skirmishes happening in real-time without changing the game view for maximum immersion
  • Relatively short runs (about 1 hour)

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Системні вимоги

    • Потребує 64-бітних процесора та операційної системи
    • ОС: Windows 10/11
    • Процесор: Intel i5-4690
    • Оперативна пам’ять: 8 GB ОП
    • Відеокарта: GTX 1650
    • Місце на диску: 6 GB доступного місця
    • Потребує 64-бітних процесора та операційної системи

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