Для запуска требуется Steam-версия программы DSX.

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Для запуска требуется Steam-версия программы DSX.

Купить DSX - Virtual DualSense Emulation DLC

Купить DSX APP & Virtual DualSense Emulation DLC

Включенные товары (2): DSX, DSX - Virtual DualSense Emulation DLC

HK$ 80.75

Информация о дополнении

Allows the creation of a virtual DualSense Controller to be used with natievly supported games.

There are games that natively support a physical wired DualSense connected to your PC with no support for Wireless features, or if you happened to have the DualSense Edge controller that a native game doesn't support, this DLC aims solve those issues.

As the games send data to the Virtual DualSense, DSX is able to get that info, and send it to your physical controller that is connected either Wired or Wireless.

Supported Features:

  • Adaptive Triggers Wired/Wireless
  • Light Bar Wired/Wireless
  • Player Indicator LED Wired/Wireless
  • Mute LED Wired/Wireless
  • Standard Rumble Wired/Wireless

Regarding vibrations, only games with a fallback option like standard rumble will work. If a game only supports Haptic Feedback, vibrations will not be available.
Rumble support for such games will be introduced in the future as Standard Rumble for wireless usage, and possibly Haptic Feedback for wired usage.

IMPORTANT: Haptic Feedback is NOT available wirelessly under any condition!
There's a chance to make it work with a physically connected DualSense controller via USB with Native Games in the future.

Системные требования

    • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
    • ОС: Windows 10
    • Процессор: x64
    • Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
    • Место на диске: 350 MB
    • Дополнительно: An internet connection is required for ownership verification, firmware update checks, and driver downloads. However, a 2-week caching system allows offline use without needing internet access.
    • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
    • ОС: Windows 11
    • Процессор: x64
    • Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
    • Место на диске: 1 GB
    • Дополнительно: An internet connection is required for ownership verification, firmware update checks, and driver downloads. However, a 2-week caching system allows offline use without needing internet access.

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