A Dark Fantasy Boss Rush game that will give you a real workout. Swing Hard to do damage. Parry by accurately aiming your weapon. Dodge by moving your body. Squat To Move options for those with limited space. Swing hard, move often, you'll need to exercise your mind and body to win.
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Data di rilascio:
Q3 2025

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Prossimamente in accesso anticipato

Gli sviluppatori di questo gioco intendono rilasciarlo come ancora in fase di sviluppo, in cui si tiene conto del feedback dei giocatori.

Nota: i giochi in accesso anticipato non sono completi e potrebbero subire modifiche in futuro, oppure rimanere incompleti. Se non vuoi giocare a questo gioco nel suo stato attuale, ti conviene aspettare per vedere se sarà sviluppato ulteriormente. Altre informazioni

Cosa dicono gli sviluppatori:

Perché l'accesso anticipato?

“With the feedback and reactions of players we can tweak the battle system until its perfected.
The foremost most important aspect of the game is awesome combat, which requires many playtesters to perfect. By releasing in early access we can get the data and feedback we need to refine the combat.
Since the game is meant to be fun enough to replay on different difficulties as well as custom settings we think players will be okay with replaying the game as it evolves. Especially since exercise is a big benefit of the game and so replaying it in its different versions will be healthy for players.”

Per quanto tempo questo gioco rimarrà in accesso anticipato?

“Not sure, but the scope of the project is tight and we will budget our time thriftily. We work on the project part time, but we have a very narrow scope so we are confident the project will finish and release fully once we tweak it enough. We hope to fully release by September 2025.”

Quali saranno le differenze fra la versione completa e quella in accesso anticipato?

“We are aiming for the Full Version to have: improved graphics, sound and art, all bosses done, completed story, as well as various settings to customize the experience.

More specifically the current version has:
- 2 basically done bosses
- 1 boss that is done gameplay wise but we plan to remake with new assets and better animations.
- 1 boss that is playable but we plan to remake.
- 1 prototype boss that is mostly a joke that we will replace later.
- 2 weapons, both with placeholder models
- Placeholder VFX and graphics, and basically no backgrounds.
- Bosses are missing sound effects. Hit sound effects are also placeholder.
- No tutorial, but a instruction screens.

We are hoping final version will have:
- 6-7 Full totally done bosses. With proper sound effects and visual effects.
- Tutorial to make onboarding easier.
- Much better graphics with a unique artstyle.
- At least 3 weapons.
- A story, likely shown through in-game comic/visual novel type cutscenes.
- Many ways to customize the experience and improve replayability.”

Qual è lo stato attuale della versione in accesso anticipato?

“This is early, with only a few bosses available to play against, and a physics system we are still adjusting. Most graphics are also placeholder.

As mentioned above the details are:
- 2 basically done bosses (TreeWoman, The Father)
- 1 boss that is done gameplay wise but we plan to remake with new assets and better animations. (Paladin)
- 1 boss that is playable but we plan to remake. (Werewolf)
- 1 prototype boss that is mostly a joke that we will replace later. (Tree)
- 2 weapons, both with placeholder models
- Placeholder VFX and graphics, and basically no backgrounds.
- Bosses are missing sound effects. Hit sound effects are also placeholder.
- No tutorial, but instruction screens.”

Il prezzo del gioco varierà durante e dopo l'accesso anticipato?

“Yes, as we add more to the game the price of the game will increase. So cheaper to buy it early.”

Come pensi di coinvolgere la Comunità durante il processo di sviluppo?

“We will regularly check forums and hope to see how players play the game.
We are hoping the steam forums will be the main method of communication, however we may also create a discord channel.
The biggest goal is to adjust difficulty as well as tune boss attacks so they seem "fair but challenging". We also want to make sure there is nothing frustrating about the combat and may try to add more options for players with limited room space.
We may also adjust weapons based on player feedback, and possibly add additional weapons if there is enough player demand.”
Altre informazioni
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Data di rilascio prevista: Q3 2025

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Informazioni sul gioco

A Dark Fantasy Boss Rush VR game inspired by Thrill of The Fight X Dark Souls, that will give you a real workout!


  • Several bosses each with their own unique fighting style, special moves, and mechanics.
  • Multiple weapons. Swing with axes or punch and elbow with unique weapon "Claw Shields". More weapons coming soon.
  • Damage based on how fast you swing. You can't just wiggle the controller to do damage like other VR games.
  • You have to move your body to dodge! Duck, Sway, Dash, and even Jump to avoid damage.
  • If space is limited use unique "Squat to move mechanic" where you can use joystick to move but it requires squatting in real life, ensuring a workout!
  • Multiple difficulty modes. And, customize boss specific variables and player stats to create your own challenges.
  • Dark story coming soon! What unholy power has corrupted humans into monsters? Can it be harnessed for good?
  • Better graphics, sound effects, soundtracks, and more coming soon!


Song in trailer: Mellow Sonic - Gravitational Singularity (Xanomeline Remix)

Descrizione del contenuto per adulti

Ecco come gli sviluppatori descrivono questi contenuti:

Fantasy Violence.
Revealing outfit for one character.
Tragic and serious story themes.
Implied death.
No explicit nudity or gratuitous violence.

Requisiti di sistema

    • Sistema operativo: Windows 10
    • Processore: Quad Core
    • Memoria: 4000 MB di RAM
    • Compatibilità VR: OpenXR
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