Be My Horde is a top-down 2D survival roguelite. Become a formidable necromancess, and make your enemies a resource! Resurrect each fallen foe, create massive hordes of the undead, and use the harvested souls to enhance your skills, growing more powerful with each death. PRAISE BE MORIANA!
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Foarte pozitive (28) - 92% din cele 28 recenzii ale utilizatorilor din ultimele 30 zile sunt pozitive.
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Foarte pozitive (817) - 89% din cele 817 recenzii ale utilizatorilor pentru acest joc sunt pozitive.
Data lansării:
18 iun. 2024

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Ce au de spus producătorii:

Why Early Access?

„You can already fulfill the fantasy of becoming a formidable necromancer in the current version of Be My Horde. Still, we believe that Early Access is the ideal approach for this title. We don't create games for investors; we make them for ourselves and fellow gamers. EA not only allows us to thoroughly and efficiently polish (pun intended) Be My Horde and constantly provide new updates, but it also empowers players to provide direct feedback, giving the community real influence over the project.”

Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?

„The game will be in Early Access for several months. At this moment, we plan to release version 1.0 in Q1 or Q2 2025.”

How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?

„The full version will undergo comprehensive polishing and feature additional content, including 2-3 new levels with unique enemies and bosses, new abilities, and upgrades, as well as improved gameplay, user experience, and quality-of-life features.”

What is the current state of the Early Access version?

„The core loop and mechanics are already implemented. Currently, there's the first level available with its unique enemies. As well as plenty of abilities for Moriana to get in The Dominion (player's base).”

Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?

„The price will increase on the full launch, but we're not ready to share the exact number yet.”

How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process?

„The primary reason for choosing Early Access is to involve the community and grant them significant influence over Be My Horde. We encourage players to share their feedback on the Steam forum, and the official Be My Horde Discord server. Every idea and suggestion will be taken into consideration. Our aim is not only to make this game FOR the players but also to create it collaboratively WITH the players.”
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Despre acest joc


In Be My Horde, you assume the role of Moriana, an alluring, dangerous, and formidable necromancess engaged in battles against forces of the living. Her motivation? Unknown. Her backstory? A mystery. All you need to know is that YOU are the evil one in this story.

Build your own malevolent army of undead minions by resurrecting each fallen enemy. No matter if it’s a weak peasant, a fierce warrior, a noble knight, or… a sheep. Devour the souls of all of them and add their bodies to your expanding horde.

When you possess such power, your enemies will stop being mere obstacles. THEY ARE YOUR RESOURCE!


Start your conquest, unleash chaos upon the living, and get ready… to fail. Being evil isn’t always easy, but fear not. After each death, you’ll return to your dark domain, enhancing your skills using the souls harvested from the defeated opponents. Raise twisted structures that will reveal more secrets of the art of necromancy.

Get back on the battlefield with new powers to bring this fantasy world to its doom. Force dwellers of this realm to get on their knees before Moriana by surviving their futile resistance for as long as possible!


Admire gameplay in a top-down perspective and a glorious (and bloody) 2D aesthetic. Repulsive and creepy images go hand in hand with cute and colorful scenery. Various weather conditions add depth to the presented world. Also, the longer Moriana haunts it, the darker and more unpleasant it becomes. Don’t forget - you’re the evil one here!

The contrast is strengthened by the mix of heavy metal and classical music delivered by the talented composer Davi Vasc and accompanied by the almost hypnotic voice of Amber Lee Connors, who plays the role of our protagonist, Moriana, giving a lot of character to this seductive, attractive, but simultaneously cruel and psychopathic figure.


💀 ENEMIES AS A RESOURCE: resurrect each fallen enemy to make your malevolent army bigger and stronger!

💀 MASSIVE HORDES: create a dark horde of HUNDREDS of minions ready to fight for you till their ultimate end!

💀 THERE’S SPACE FOR EVERYONE: encounter a variety of units from weak peasants, aggressive warriors, powerful knights, swift cavalrymen, or… exploding sheep! If something is alive, you can kill it and add it to your horde!

💀 EVOLVE: return to your Dominion after each defeat and use the harvested souls to improve your minions and necromancy powers! Get back to the battlefield even more formidable!

💀 SIT AND PLAY: quick and immersive runs. Play for a few minutes or push the limits for a few hours, beating your own records - Be My Horde lets you do both!

💀 PRAISE BE MORIANA!: become a seductive and dangerous lich, Moriana, portrayed by the talented voice actress Amber Lee Connors! Try not to fall in love…

Cerințe de sistem

    • Necesită un procesor și sistem de operare pe 64 de biți
    • SO: Windows 10 or newer
    • Procesor: 4 cores 2.3 GHz
    • Memorie: 4 GB RAM
    • Grafică: Intel Iris 550 / Nvidia GTX 460 / Mobility Radeon HD 5830
    • Stocare: 1 GB spațiu disponibil
    • Necesită un procesor și sistem de operare pe 64 de biți

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