Be the last train conductor roaming the postapocalyptic frozen world! Expand, strengthen, and build synergies on your train. The promised land beyond the toxic zone awaits you and your passengers.
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Sangat Positif (2,366) - 93% positif dari 2,366 ulasan pengguna untuk game ini.
Tanggal Rilis:
10 Jan 2024

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Mainkan Frostrain


Tentang Game Ini

Roam the frozen world

Climate change has turned the world white and frozen, and the only thing moving on the planet is you, your passengers, and your train. It's a dead world, but ironically, it's all the more fascinating for it. A vivid landscape awaits you to explore.

Keep your passengers happy

The passengers on your train will work diligently at your command, but be careful: if you don't manage their happiness properly, they might throw you off the train.

Build your own train with card decks

Each time you pass through a city, you'll be able to add new train cars by launching a heavy lift drone. Be careful with each choice you make. If you are lucky, you'll be able to build a better, more synergized, happily-ever-after train deck, but it won't always go as you planned.

Reach the Promised Land

Lead your passengers in search of the Promised Land, somewhere on the eastern edge of the world. But the journey to the Promised Land isn't all smooth and pleasant. You'll have to pass through toxic areas, and a severe storm is brewing behind you. Pay attention to your passengers' happiness levels and lead them safely to the Promised Land. The journey is in your hands.

Pernyataan Konten Buatan AI

Pengembang menjelaskan bagaimana game mereka menggunakan Konten Buatan AI seperti ini:

- Event Illusts
- Base of Character Portraits

Persyaratan Sistem

    • OS *: Windows 7
    • Prosesor: Intel i3-6100 / AMD FX-8350
    • Memori: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafis: GeForce GTX 1050Ti
    • DirectX: Versi 12
    • Penyimpanan: 1 GB ruang tersedia
    • OS: Windows 10
    • Prosesor: Intel i7-6700
    • Memori: 16 GB RAM
    • Grafis: Geforce RTX 980Ti
* Mulai 1 Januari 2024, Steam Client hanya akan mendukung Windows 10 dan versi yang lebih baru.

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