You are Vigilantus, a master hacker fighting to fix a rotten society. Immerse yourself in a world ruled by corrupt corporations, politicians, and greedy pharmaceutical companies. Uncover dark political secrets, sabotage systems, redistribute wealth to the poor, and destroy entire corporations.
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Recenzje użytkowników: 3 - Potrzeba więcej recenzji użytkowników do wygenerowania oceny
Data wydania:
29 listopada 2024

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Gra z wczesnym dostępem

Uzyskaj natychmiastowy dostęp i zacznij grać; zaangażuj się w powstawanie gry.

Uwaga: gry oferowane w formie wczesnego dostępu nie zostały jeszcze ukończone i do momentu pełnego wydania mogą ulec zmianom lub nie zmienić się w ogóle. Jeśli ta gra w jej obecnym stanie nie interesuje cię, sugerujemy poczekać, by zobaczyć, czy prace nad nią pójdą dalej. Dowiedz się więcej.

Od twórców:

Dlaczego wczesny dostęp?

„Dark Web: Vigilante is a massive passion project for me, and there are so many missions I want to create.

The game has 5 complete missions so far, and I want to add so many more, but I need community feedback on the existing missions, and how to perfect them.

Funding is short right now, but I am working on the game every single free hour I have.

I want to have 20 missions in the game by the end of 2024, each with a unique storyline and way to go about them.
Each mission takes weeks to develop, however, as every mission is so completely unique, and I want to get the game to the community and hear their feedback and let them enjoy it as soon as possible.

The missions will be almost episodic when they release, and the community will be updated after each new mission's development is finished, and released.”

Mniej więcej jak długo gra będzie w fazie wczesnego dostępu?

„I plan to release the full game out of Early Access by November 2024.
I plan to come up with new storylines and new missions, as well as fix any narrational bugs and flesh out the overall story.”

Czym różni się zaplanowana pełna wersja od tej z wczesnego dostępu?

„The full version of Dark Web: Vigilante is planned to have 20 complete missions, new characters, advancements to the storyline, and I also plan on adding a political storyline about taking down President Manson's entire administration.

Also, I plan on creating interesting DLC that doesn't affect the main storyline, but is exciting to engage with.”

Jaki jest obecny stan wersji z wczesnego dostępu?

„The current state of the EA version of the game, is very stable. I have 5 completed missions that take the player through the motions of being a master hacker, and immerse you in fixing society one corrupt corporation at a time.

There are a few bugs I am working on fixing, but it is fully playable, has a full interface, and is mad fun.”

Czy cena gry ulegnie zmianie podczas i po wczesnym dostępie?

„I plan to gradually raise the price as I ship new content, missions, and features.
For now, however, the game will remain very inexpensive until it is out of Early Access.”

Jak zamierzacie włączyć społeczność w wasz proces tworzenia?

„I have a Discord community that new members can join. We are a very lively community interested and passionate about indie games/immersive sims.

I post all updates about the game, and receive all feedback, via Steam Community boards and our Discord Community!”
Polski język nie jest obsługiwany

Ten produkt nie obsługuje twojego lokalnego języka. Przed zakupem zapoznaj się z listą obsługiwanych języków, która znajduje się poniżej.

Kup Dark Web: Vigilante

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Zgłoś błędy i zostaw swoją opinię o tej grze na forach dyskusyjnych

O tej grze

Immerse yourself in a dystopian world ruled by corrupt corporations, amoral politicians, and greedy pharmaceutical companies.

The world has become a dark, evil place. Corporations exploit the poor without repercussion, and their boundless greed threatens civilization.

You are Vigilantus, a highly-trained vigilante hacker fighting to dismantle their control over society.

Uncover dark political secrets, sabotage systems, take down entire corporations, redistribute wealth...and lead a one-man digital revolution to liberate society.

Your choices will shape the fate of a world on the brink of collapse.

You are a beacon of hope against corporate tyranny and political corruption.

No one is above justice.

It's time for things to change.

Note from developer:

Every single mission in this game is inspired by a real-world event, company, or political figure.

I was inspired to make this game because of both the current state of the world, and my favorite TV show 'Mr Robot'.

This was made by 1 person, so please excuse any bugs: they are being playtested out during Early Access.

Oświadczenie w sprawie treści generowanych przez SI

Producenci opisują, jak ich gra korzysta z treści generowanych przez SI, w następujący sposób:

I use AI-generated pre-rendered images for the Desktop Backgrounds in the game. This is to provide the player with a more unique, customizable experience over their in-game computer.

I also use AI-generated pre-rendered images for character photos/portraits when needed.

All images do not resemble or impersonate any person, living or dead.

Opis dotyczący treści dla dorosłych

Producenci opisują te treści w następujący sposób:

There is some cursing & swearing in the game, a few instances of hard language.

The main character is a vigilante computer hacker, so you will commit many cyber-crimes.

There is a mission where you must destroy a human trafficking ring, who offer highly abusive/illegal services for a price. You will rescue 12 women from the trafficking ring.

There is a mission where you must help a victim of doxing, and a sexual video of her was leaked by her ex-boyfriend as revenge porn.

There are leaks on a doxing site that mention illegal and/or sexual celebrity activity.

Wymagania systemowe

    Konfiguracja minimalna:
    • Wymaga 64-bitowego procesora i systemu operacyjnego
    • System operacyjny: Windows 10
    • Procesor: 2.6 GHz Dual Core or similar
    • Pamięć: 8 GB RAM
    • Karta graficzna: Nvidia GTX 570 / ATI HD 6870
    • Miejsce na dysku: 6 GB dostępnej przestrzeni
    Konfiguracja zalecana:
    • Wymaga 64-bitowego procesora i systemu operacyjnego
    • System operacyjny: Windows 10
    • Procesor: 2.5 GHz Tri Core or similar
    • Pamięć: 10 GB RAM
    • Karta graficzna: Nvidia GTX 870 / AMD R9 270
    • Miejsce na dysku: 6 GB dostępnej przestrzeni

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