"Thermodynamic" puzzle where Maxwell's demon does work of block-pushing. Deal those hot blocks with cold blocks so that the demon doesn't get burnt.
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Meget positive (177) - 98% af de 177 brugeranmeldelser for dette spil er positive.
29. aug. 2024

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Køb Maxwell's puzzling demon

HK$ 95.00

Køb Maxwell’s Thought Challenge BUNDT (?)

Indeholder 2 emner: Thought Experiment Simulator, Maxwell's puzzling demon

HK$ 116.09

Om dette spil

What this puzzle is like

Maxwell's demon is the main character of this puzzle.
The demon does work of block-pushing.

Blocks have temperature. Some blocks are hot and others are cold.
While the demon doesn't like hot blocks, they can be cooled when adjacent to cold ones.

Keep your blocks and head cool

This game has 10 worlds.
Each world consists of dozens of levels, which are more than 350 in total.

The levels are located in form of blocks and are grouped at different corners of each world.
In this game, not only levels but also worlds themselves are puzzle.
Those levels once solved becomes pushable blocks.
You then use the blocks to access the next group of levels.

If you want more challenging ones, extra levels await you.
We're sure that it's difficult to even reach them.
(Don't worry. You have neither to reach nor to solve them to clear this game.)

The hint feature

The powerful hint feature is available.
This feature allows you to gain insight into how to solve the levels and to see detailed descriptions of the gimmicks.


    • Styresystem: Windows 10 (64-bit) / Windows 11
    • Processor: intel / amd
    • Grafik: any
    • Diskplads: 100 MB tilgængelig plads
    • Lydkort: any

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