Build and expand your monastery, craft recipes and brew holy ales in this unique brewery tycoon. No pre-made recipes in Ale Abbey, oh no. It's a canvas for true beer alchemists. It's as simple as: brew, sip, repeat. Welcome to Ale Abbey!
Ostatnie recenzje:
Bardzo pozytywne (340) - 92% z 340 recenzji użytkowników z ostatnich 30 dni było pozytywnych.
Wszystkie recenzje:
Bardzo pozytywne (415) - 92% z 415 recenzji użytkowników dla tej gry jest pozytywnych.
Data wydania:
18 lutego 2025

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Gra z wczesnym dostępem

Uzyskaj natychmiastowy dostęp i zacznij grać; zaangażuj się w powstawanie gry.

Uwaga: gry oferowane w formie wczesnego dostępu nie zostały jeszcze ukończone i do momentu pełnego wydania mogą ulec zmianom lub nie zmienić się w ogóle. Jeśli ta gra w jej obecnym stanie nie interesuje cię, sugerujemy poczekać, by zobaczyć, czy prace nad nią pójdą dalej. Dowiedz się więcej.

Od twórców:

Dlaczego wczesny dostęp?

„Following all the feedback we received during the demo, we decided to go for Early Access before the 1.0 release. This will allow us to gather more feedback as we continue to work on the game and push its development to the point where we consider it to be final. We believe that involving our players in the development process is essential to making the best game possible. Early Access allows us to expand and improve the game based on your invaluable feedback. We are committed to working with the community to make the game something truly special. Your input will help us refine the game's intricate mechanics to ensure a fun and engaging experience. By joining us in Early Access, you will be able to directly influence the development of Ale Abbey and help us unlock its full potential.”

Mniej więcej jak długo gra będzie w fazie wczesnego dostępu?

„We expect Ale Abbey to remain in Early Access between 4 to 10 months. The exact length will depend on the feedback we receive from our players and how our ideas for Ale Abbey progress. Our goal is to ensure that the game reaches a high standard of quality and depth of content before its full release. We are committed to taking the time necessary to make Ale Abbey the best it can be.”

Czym różni się zaplanowana pełna wersja od tej z wczesnego dostępu?

„While the core mechanics and structure of Ale Abbey are already in place, we plan to improve the overall experience by adding more content and features, polishing, balancing and bug fixing. For the full version, our goal is to increase the depth and complexity of the game's content to create a richer and more compelling game when it launches, with new additions such as:
- More variety in content to expand on the fantasy of a brewing brotherhood/sisterhood (New room types, more Markets to access and more Styles to brew)
- More side content to flesh out the game and the monastery charm ( More variety of player actions, more varying monks and nuns behaviours, more Fermentines management tools…)
- Improve the base mechanics via community feedback and data collection to fine tune the experience.
These planned additions and their progress will be shared to the community through the various roadmaps we will publish over time.”

Jaki jest obecny stan wersji z wczesnego dostępu?

„The Early Access version of Ale Abbey includes the core gameplay mechanics and features described in the "About This Game" section of the store page. The game upon early access release will grant access to 5 different markets and 11 beer styles to brew. During the early access period, in addition to more content integration, more gameplay variety, we will gradually open up more markets (up to 13) and more styles to brew (up to 25+). While the game will be in early access we will keep on improving on its stability and keep it as much bug free as possible.”

Czy cena gry ulegnie zmianie podczas i po wczesnym dostępie?

„We plan to gradually increase the price upon the 1.0 release, depending on the additional content and features that are added. This potential adjustment would reflect the expanded scope and improved quality of the game as we continue to develop Ale Abbey with your feedback.”

Jak zamierzacie włączyć społeczność w wasz proces tworzenia?

„We love to involve the community in development and plan to be active on our Discord server and Steam forums. As you’ve seen us doing during the demo, we value all suggestions, bug reports and community feedback as we work together to make a better game! You are welcome to share your ideas, and upcoming changes will be discussed with the community for early feedback. We will also be conducting surveys and organising events to gather input and ensure that Ale Abbey evolves in a way that reflects the community's feedback.”
Polski język nie jest obsługiwany

Ten produkt nie obsługuje twojego lokalnego języka. Przed zakupem zapoznaj się z listą obsługiwanych języków, która znajduje się poniżej.

Kup Ale Abbey

Kup Ale Abbey: Brewmaster Edition

Zestaw 2 produktów: Ale Abbey, Ale Abbey Soundtrack

HK$ 115.20
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O tej grze

Give your brew a unique name, experiment to discover special traits, and ensure your ales reach unprecedented popularity! Dive into a vast array of over 20 European styles, meticulously choosing the equipment that best suits your needs. Adjust the quantity, quality, and mash temperature to blend the perfect brew. Decide whether to store it for aging, or sell it at the market. Put your trust in your monks’ brewing skills, and let them create the holy ale.

Make sure your monastery prospers and ascends to glory! Above ground, build living quarters for your holy crew, production hubs like Libraries and Breweries, and some all-purpose spaces, including the Refectory and the Abbot's Office. Beneath these heavenly floors, it's all about your monastery’s cold cellars (the most sacred of spaces for your brews). Design, build, and turn your monastery into a hub of holy hops!

It's not only about crafting ales, it's about curating a brewing legacy. At Ale Abbey, happy monks will need more than just a good workplace, they will require a steady flow of tasty ales. But that's not all! Appease Lords, befriend neighboring Abbeys, and handle bandit encounters... A tale of challenges unveils in the frothy world of Ale Abbey!

Opis dotyczący treści dla dorosłych

Producenci opisują te treści w następujący sposób:

Alcohol themed - beer brewing.

Wymagania systemowe

    Konfiguracja minimalna:
    • Wymaga 64-bitowego procesora i systemu operacyjnego
    • System operacyjny *: Windows Vista/7/8/10
    • Procesor: 1.7+ GHz or better
    • Pamięć: 1 GB RAM
    • Karta graficzna: Must support OpenGL 2.1 or higher. Intel HD 3000 or better
    • Miejsce na dysku: 1 GB dostępnej przestrzeni
    Konfiguracja zalecana:
    • Wymaga 64-bitowego procesora i systemu operacyjnego
* Począwszy od 1 stycznia 2024, klient Steam będzie obsługiwał wyłącznie system Windows 10 i jego nowsze wersje.

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