Knowing is only half the battle! Pub quiz meets pub brawl in this fast-paced hero-based BATTLE QUIZ for 1-4 players! Knock out friends and foes as you smash your way to the correct answers, in a wide variety of arenas and game modes. Trivia night just got way more intense!
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Hey, friends!

Meet Roger Ribbit, a very special addition to the roster, in honor of The Frog Cult and Spelkollektivet's Froggy Sale.

You can start playing him in the demo RIGHT NOW!
His high-powered frog-leg jumps and sticky grapple tongue ability will let you zip around the arena, pull in unwitting opponents, and dunk on your friends harder than ever :)

Discord Server Open!

  •  Link in sidebar --------------------------------------------------------------------->>

Informazioni sul gioco

The Quizard’s Domain is the world’s first true Battle Quiz, fusing classic, choice-based trivia game elements with exciting real-time arena combat!
Knowing the answer to each question will get you far, but it won’t be your only skill that’s put to the test.
Time is constantly ticking away as you run, float, jump, fly, and use all kinds of versatile abilities to fight for dominance in each unique arena.

Think you know the answer? Better book it over there before someone blocks your spot.
No idea what it might be? Watch opponents to predict where they’re going and get there first.
Make use of your strengths and head straight to your goal.
Abuse your opponent’s weaknesses to stop them in their tracks.
Or hide your plans and lead other players astray by repositioning at the last second.
You decide anew how you want to smash your way to victory in every fast-paced round!

Whether you’re here to learn, show off your knowledge of a topic, or simply dunk on the competition, you’ll be able to do it in style.
Agility and archery, control over frightening eldritch powers, and many other skillsets let you play to your own strengths.
The already diverse roster of characters and worlds will keep expanding with free post-launch updates, alongside new game modes, customization options, and much more!

Requisiti di sistema

SteamOS + Linux
    • Sistema operativo *: Windows 7+
    • Processore: 1.2Ghz+
    • Memoria: 4 GB di RAM
    • Scheda video: 512MB
    • Memoria: 500 MB di spazio disponibile
* A partire dal 1° gennaio 2024, il client di Steam supporta solo Windows 10 e versioni successive.
    • Processore: Intel or Silicon, 1.2Ghz+
    • Memoria: 4 GB di RAM
    • Scheda video: 512MB
    • Memoria: 500 MB di spazio disponibile
    • Processore: 1.2Ghz+
    • Memoria: 4 GB di RAM
    • Scheda video: 512MB
    • Memoria: 500 MB di spazio disponibile
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