A sci-fi wave-based shooter with roguelite elements. Collect powerful upgrades and unique combinations to wipe out hordes of bloodthirsty creatures and make your way into the Abyss.
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28. okt. 2024

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Køb Breach the Abyss

HK$ 33.00

Om dette spil

What is your greatest desire?
A mysterious deity from another dimension approaches you with an offer- fester your will and come to the Abyss, and your greatest desires will be granted.

Breach the Abyss is a top-down wave-based shooter with roguelite elements. Play as the Janitor, a man with a craving for revenge, as you fight hordes of twisted creatures - “Abyssians” - from an alternate dimension known as the Abyss.

Survive waves of enemies and receive upgrades to augment your abilities and boost your power. Combine upgrades to produce a variety of effects that are sure to help wipe out hordes of bloodthirsty Abyssians.

Death isn’t the end in Breach the Abyss. Unlock powerful perks, new upgrades, new abilities, and unique weapons to come back stronger every time. The taste of victory gets closer and closer every attempt.

Death is an opportunity for reflection. Recover your fractured memories, and rediscover your past piece-by-piece in this tale of revenge.

Do you have the will to overcome the obstacles in your path?

  • 50+ upgrades to discover and combine
  • 4 playable classes with different weapons and abilities
  • 3 formidable bosses to take down
  • 3 unique areas to fight through
  • A touching narrative to discover
  • Multiple distinct enemy types with 4 stages of progression
  • Deadly traps to enhance your strategies
  • Encyclopedia full of enemy information and lore

Beskrivelse af voksenindhold

Udviklerne beskriver indholdet således:

The story depicts visible deaths of characters drawn in considerable detail. Some scenes include censored graphic deaths of human characters with varying causes of death.


    • Styresystem: Windows 10
    • Processor: Intel Core i5-8250U
    • Hukommelse: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafik: Intel UHD Graphics 620
    • Diskplads: 1 GB tilgængelig plads
    • VR-understøttelse: No

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