Star Ronin is a top-down action-adventure game set in the far future. Your family, indebted to a massive megacorporation, must use all of its skills to survive.
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Over dit spel

Humanity has finally left its cradle in the 23rd century - in pursuit of profit. Megacorporations carve out spheres of influence and claim new worlds to develop. They’re only prevented from wiping each other out by the Charter: contracts between each other meant to contain their worst impulses… and keep their promises.

Workers and borrowers get what they bargained for: nothing more or less. Corporate raids and wars visit untold horrors on millions. Mercenaries, pirates and rebels flocked to the unregulated stars, looking for money and freedom from Earth’s stultifying Unity Government, but it’s a harsh place.

Your family survived the Third Corporate War, fleeing to the fringes of human settlement to find peace as terraformers and farmers. However, a tragedy forces them back into wet-work for one of the megacorps, to pay off their debt and survive an uncertain future.

Star Ronin is a top-down action-adventure mixing tactical combat, exo-suits, and challenging mechanics. Realistic fields of view, sophisticated lighting systems, intelligent enemies, with a robust catalog of weapons and upgrades for your exos; you are free to approach each mission as you see fit. All that matters is completing the objective and securing a payout to bring your family closer to freedom.

  • Fast-paced top-down tactical action: approach each mission the way you like. Use your suit's thermoptic camouflage systems to sneak past enemies; deploy jetpacks to rush through rooms full of enemies or dodge incoming fire; deploy drones to gain an edge; or just go loud with the largest gun you have, shoot everything you see, and hope you can survive.

  • Dynamic lighting system: The engine is built around a sophisticated, realistic lighting system. Lights and darkness are more than just decoration: Destroy light sources to gain the advantage and disorient your foes, use the suit's flashlight to navigate dark spaces for alternate routes, and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of a dark, megacorporate future.
  • Unpredictable challenges and opportunities: Every mission and map is procedurally generated, from objectives and maps down to enemies, traps, and boss encounters. Fight from corporate offices to space stations, in dynamic environments where everything can be blown up, set on fire, or used in creative ways to gain an advantage. No two jobs are the same: one might make you rich fast, the other kill you just as swiftly.
  • Vast catalog of foes: In the 23rd century it's not just corporate goons with guns. Expect swarms of kamikaze bombs, robot dogs with flamethrower heads, and bosses with vicious abilities. Think on your feet, adjust your tactics, use the environment against them, and learn from each encounter to master Star Ronin's systems.
  • Deep crafting system: You can buy tons of gear on the market - or put that money towards paying off the family's debt and focus on crafting new weapons, exos, and upgrades. Craft to tailor each family member to your preferred style of gaming. Upgrade armor to make a tank, increase speed to gain an edge, or set up a generous power pool for the powerful, energy-hungry weapons.

  • Multiple playable characters: Digging your family out of corporate debt is not a one-person job. Other family members do their part, each offering a unique playstyle, opportunities, and challenges - further customizable with weapons, armor, helpers, and other upgrades from a massive catalog of gear.
  • Dynamic campaign with impossible choices: Each run is unique, with endless possibilities for working off the family's debt to the megacorp. Yes, the debt must be paid in full. The question is, how far are you willing to go? How low will you sink? How much of you will remain by the time you’ve fulfilled your contract?
  • Customizable experience: Pick from four different difficulty levels, allowing you to focus on the story - or face a true test of your roguelike skills. Want to experiment? Star Ronin features a detailed tutorial and Arena mode to master the mechanics and test out different builds without risking your family's fate.

Beschrijving inhoud voor volwassenen

De ontwikkelaars omschrijven de inhoud als volgt:

The game's violence is PG at this time; there are blood splashes, but no serious stuff, and the pixelated style isn't hyper-realistic. Characters occasionally curse mildly. There's a bar where people smoke and drink, but it's not a focus of the gameplay, it's just used as setting.


    • Besturingssysteem: Windows 10
    • Processor: 3+ GHz CPU
    • Geheugen: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafische kaart: GeForce 1060 or equivalent
    • Opslagruimte: 1 GB beschikbare ruimte
    • Besturingssysteem: Windows 10
    • Processor: 3+ GHz CPU
    • Geheugen: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafische kaart: GeForce 1060 or equivalent
    • Opslagruimte: 1 GB beschikbare ruimte
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