Rustwing is a twin stick shooter roguelike, set in the distant future. Navigate from star to star, battle the scattered factions of humanity, discover strange anomalies, customize your weaponry, acquire powerful upgrades and become a legendary pilot!
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Về trò chơi này

Rustwing is a twin-stick shooter roguelike, where you play as a mercenary spaceship. You navigate through sections of space, explore unseen star systems, and encounter different factions of the scattered humanity. As you fly from star system to star system, you encounter different kinds of combat situations, friendly stations, and strange anomalies.

The world

After many conflicts and hardships, humanity united under the banner of the Federation. After rapid colonization, humanity got scattered across the stars. Unity did not last long though. As the Federation expanded, maintaining order on the fringes of habited space proved to be harder than anticipated. Differences in beliefs and interests, and the sore memory of past conflicts, led to the formation of many different factions. Now space is filled with battle fields of all kinds. These are the battlefields you must fight your way through.


On your journey you encounter many different combat situations, and have to complete different kinds of objectives.


Every run there's a randomly generated star map, you can explore. In each star system there's either a battle, a friendly station or some kind of anomaly to be discovered. Space is separated into sectors. Your journey can take place across 5 of these different sectors, of which you have to go through 3 in order to complete a run. Your path is randomly generated, however your destination sector is set.


On your travels you get many different power ups. You can customize your weaponry by obtaining new technologies. Your ship can be equipped with two automatic side weapons, one manually operated primary weapon, and a special ability, that can impact a battle in many ways. You also gain experience in battles, and unlock different passive traits that benefit you in different ways.

Yêu cầu hệ thống

    Tối thiểu:
    • HĐH *: Windows XP and above
    • Bộ xử lý: 2 GHz
    • Bộ nhớ: 2 GB RAM
    • Đồ họa: 512 MB
    • Lưu trữ: 512 MB chỗ trống khả dụng
* Bắt đầu từ 01/01/2024, phần mềm Steam chỉ hỗ trợ từ Windows 10 trở lên.
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