Build your factory by day, then fight relentless hordes by night in this unique blend of factory-building and rogue-like mayhem. Gather resources and upgrade your arsenal with Magic, Guns and Tesla Coils?!
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Dată de lansare planificată: 2025

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Despre acest joc

Enter a world where your ingenuity by day is as crucial as your survival instincts by night. Build an ever-expanding factory to gather essential resources and craft powerful tools that will help you fend off relentless nighttime assaults.

Each night brings waves of enemies eager to overrun your base, so prepare your defenses wisely - deploy magic, guns, position automated turrets, and equip potent abilities to stay one step ahead. With deep meta progression that carries over between runs, you’ll continually unlock new ways to strengthen your arsenal and push back the darkness.

Key Features

  • Daytime Factory Building – Gather materials, research upgrades, and expand your industrial complex to fuel your nighttime defenses.

  • Nighttime Horde Battles – Stand your ground against swarms of enemies with an array of magical weapons and deployable turrets.

  • Rogue-Like Progression – Persist beyond each run by earning permanent upgrades that carry over, ensuring you grow more powerful over time.

  • Adaptive Tactics – Experiment with different playstyles, from aggressive spellcasting to methodical turret placement.

  • Evolving Challenges – Uncover new enemy types, refine your loadout, and stay ready for the intensified assaults lurking in the dark.

Build, fight, and survive as you master both the calm of daylight strategy and the frenzy of nocturnal combat.

Cerințe de sistem

    • SO: Windows 10 64-bit
    • Procesor: 3.2 GHz Dual Core Processor
    • Memorie: 4 GB RAM
    • Grafică: GTX 750 / Radeon HD 7770
    • Stocare: 500 MB spațiu disponibil
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