Control the UFO. Carry the Luggage. DON'T DROP IT. – A simple yet challenging foddian game for aliens.
Toate recenziile:
3 recenzii ale utilizatorilor - E nevoie de mai multe recenzii ale utilizatorilor pentru a genera un scor
Data lansării:
24 oct. 2024

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Cumpără UFO-Man


Despre acest joc

Available Now! Released on 25th October 2024


It's a simple yet challenging foddian game.

  • Control the UFO.

  • Lift up the square “Luggage”.

  • Carry it to the top.




The UFO will EASILY drop the Luggage if it bumps into walls, obstacles, or the Luggage itself.

Once you drop, you might lose some progress and may have to start climbing again from where it fell.

You must avoid dropping the Luggage considering the laws of physics, and steadily work your way to the goal as much as possible.

UFO-Man features a massive course divided into various stages, each packed with unique challenges, including caves, sunsets, mysterious factories, cities, outer space, and so on.

This game combines elements of Japanese irritating bar games called “Iraira-bou (イライラ棒)” and well-known difficult foddian games like "Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy”.

Due to its characteristics and difficulty, this game may require a tremendous amount of time and patience for some people.

However, with repeated play, you might improve your skill and achieve the satisfaction of overcoming difficult challenges.

Enjoy the game if you find interest or excitement in overcoming this challenge!


After clearing the game, the game provides content for players who have completed it, such as the Practice Mode or some hidden elements, which may satisfy dedicated speedrun players or achievement collectors.

Additionally, this game features "Crash Count" (the number of times the UFO collides with obstacles or the Luggage) which is recorded during gameplay. This allows players to enjoy it repeatedly as a score attack game, competing to clear with as few crashes as possible.

(I also have a lot of respect for “Only Up!”, “A Difficult Game About Climbing”, “The Game of Sisyphus" and so on.

Please note that this game may contain homages to these.)




[For Streamers & Video Creators]

You can upload or stream your UFO-Man gameplay videos!

Please read "Guidelines for Streamers & Video Creators" section of the official UFO-Man website and include the credit notation in your description!

(You can access the official website from the "Visit the website" button on the right side of this page.)

Logos and screenshots for use in thumbnails can also be downloaded from the website.

Cerințe de sistem

    • Necesită un procesor și sistem de operare pe 64 de biți
    • SO *: Windows 7(SP1+), Windows 10, Windows 11
    • Procesor: x64 CPU (Intel, AMD)
    • Memorie: 2 GB RAM
    • Grafică: Intel HD Graphics series or better
    • Stocare: 3 GB spațiu disponibil
    • Necesită un procesor și sistem de operare pe 64 de biți
* Începând cu 1 ianuarie 2024, clientul Steam va fi compatibil numai cu Windows 10 și versiunile ulterioare.
    • SO: High Sierra 10.13 or later
    • Procesor: Intel x64 CPU, Apple Silicon M1 or later
    • Memorie: 2 GB RAM
    • Grafică: Intel HD Graphics series or better
    • Stocare: 3 GB spațiu disponibil

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