Zort is an action, adventure, and horror game that can be played with up to 4 people. Explore maps with your friends and have fun while escaping from various creatures. Experience a realistic horror experience with in-game voice chat with your friends!
Legutóbbi értékelések:
Nagyon pozitív (1,642) - 1,642 felhasználói értékelésből 94% pozitív az utóbbi 30 napban.
Minden értékelés:
Nagyon pozitív (4,234) - E játék 4,234 felhasználói értékeléséből 93% pozitív.
Megjelenés dátuma:
2024. dec. 7.

Jelentkezz be, hogy ezt a tételt a kívánságlistádhoz adhasd, követhesd vagy mellőzöttnek jelölhesd.

Korai hozzáférésű játék

Szerezz azonnali hozzáférést és kezdj játszani; légy részese a játék fejlődésének.

Megjegyzés: A korai hozzáférésű játékok nincsenek készen, és vagy változnak a továbbiakban, vagy nem. Ha nem izgat az ezzel a játékkal való játék a jelenlegi állapotában, érdemes lehet várnod, míg a játék fejlesztése előrehaladottabbá válik. Tudj meg többet.

Mit mondanak a fejlesztők:

Miért a Korai Hozzáférés?

„We haven’t been able to implement everything we have in mind for Zort yet. Although the game may seem finished, there are still many things we need to add and many issues to address. We want to work with the community to fix its problems and bring better updates. In the end, we hope the game can reach the level we desire.”

Körülbelül mennyi ideig lesz ez a játék a Korai Hozzáférésben?

„We aim to release the game from early access within a few months. We plan to make many updates to the game during this period.”

A tervek szerint miben fog különbözni a teljes verzió a korai hozzáférésűtől?

„After the game exits Early Access, we plan to add many unique creatures, original maps, and various entertaining or terrifying details.”

Milyen állapotban van jelenleg a korai hozzáférésű verzió?

„There are currently 2 maps and many creatures in our game. You and your friends can play against creatures on these maps with up to 4 people via voice chat.
You can examine most of the things in the game from the description section.”

Eltérően lesz árazva a játék a korai hozzáférés alatt és azt követően?

„The full version of the game will be almost twice the size of the current game, so we will adjust the price accordingly.”

Hogyan tervezitek bevonni a közösséget a fejlesztés folyamatába?

„We will actively work on fixing the game’s issues on our Discord server and continue to grow the game with various events. It is a great honor for us to include community-created content in the game, and we will continue to do so.”
A Magyar nyelv nem támogatott.

Ez a termék nem támogatja a nálad beállított nyelvet. Kérjük, vásárlás előtt tekintsd át a támogatott nyelvek listáját.

ZORT vásárlása

HK$ 28.00

Dive deep, keep zorting vásárlása CSOMAG (?)

2 elemet tartalmaz: Murky Divers, ZORT

HK$ 73.10
HK$ 60.77
Összes téma megnézése

Jelents hibákat és adj visszajelzést erről a játékról az üzenőfalon.

A játékról

Join our Discord server to follow updates and fixes related to our game. Additionally, you can meet other players and play with them. We value our community greatly, and therefore, our Discord server is very important to us. Most of the ideas we get for the game come from this server. You can also join our Discord server to follow our projects and be a part of our community.

In this game, which can be played with up to 4 players, you can have fun, be scared, and enjoy the atmosphere while searching for an exit with your friends across different maps. You can collect items around and enjoy mini-games. Look for ways to escape from creatures and approach the end of the level. Try to survive with your friends and just have fun. There are some fun mechanics that we're sure you've never seen before.

Our game is a horror survival game that can be played with up to 4 players. While the game can be played solo, we recommend playing with 4 players. Playing with 4 people allows you to feel more immersed in the game and get scared with your friends.

The in-game proximity voice chat feature allows you to communicate with your friends. Additionally, changing voice filters based on the atmosphere will make you feel more involved in the game. So we encourage you to use it.

There are multiple levels. You need to survive until you complete each level. Be wary of deadly creatures in those levels, as well as traps and other unexpected things on the map, that can lead to your death.

You must collect necessary items, overcome the creatures on the map, and finish the level without dying. Additionally, with our sanity system, you will need to pay attention to many things to maintain your mental health, even if you avoid environmental factors.

Your main goal is to escape from the current maps to the next one. Doors that open in our game maps unlock other doors, so you stay on track with the game's progress. Instead of a complicated and confusing mechanism, you can follow a simple, fun, and suspenseful path to reach the end of the map and complete the level.

To increase the replayability of the game, the solutions are not always the same every time you play. This way, you will experience something new each time you play. Even if you find a way to escape, don’t forget about the creatures chasing you!

Different creatures for each map offer a unique gameplay mechanic. We strive to make these mechanics both fun and intense. Each level offers main and minor creatures that have different experiences. Each creature has its advantages and disadvantages.

We try to include many hints in the game to teach players these advantages, but we don’t want to spoil all the surprises. We provide small hints to guide you, hoping that you will discover most things about the creatures yourself for a more enjoyable experience.

Each map holds an important place in our fictional universe. No map is thoughtlessly designed, and we emphasize that every minor detail has its meaning.

Felnőtt tartalom leírása

A fejlesztők így írják le a tartalmat:

During the game, you can witness characters being injured, dying, losing limbs and heads. Additionally, you may encounter some fantastic supernatural events due to the realistic atmosphere in the game.


    • 64 bites processzor és operációs rendszer szükséges
    • Op. rendszer: Windows 10
    • Processzor: Intel Core i5-7400 CPU @ 3.00GHz
    • Memória: 4 GB RAM
    • Grafika: NVIDIA GForce GTX 1050
    • DirectX: Verzió: 11
    • Tárhely: 2 GB szabad hely
    • 64 bites processzor és operációs rendszer szükséges
    • Op. rendszer: Windows 10
    • Processzor: Intel Core i5-9400 CPU @ 3.00GHz
    • Memória: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafika: NVIDIA GForce GTX 1650
    • DirectX: Verzió: 11
    • Tárhely: 4 GB szabad hely

A(z) Zort vásárlói értékelései




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