When a mysterious and beautiful woman rushes into George Stobbart’s office, pleading for help, he cannot know that he will be inextricably drawn into terrifying conspiracy, and a desperate search for a nefarious artifact of great and terrible power. For George, it looks like the world needs saving. Again.
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Blandede (405) - 44% af de 405 brugeranmeldelser for dette spil er positive.
15. sep. 2006

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Se hele Revolution Software-samlingen på Steam

Køb Broken Sword 4 - the Angel of Death (2006)

HK$ 75.00


“As an example of classic, back to basics point and click adventuring, there can perhaps be no finer recent example in the genre than The Angel of Death - it's a nailed-down must-buy if you're an adventure diehard... It's got excellent production values, a great script, solid cast, a delightful orchestral score and some of the most challenging puzzles seen in a videogame for ages.”

Om dette spil

After reluctantly battling dragons, Mayan gods, and becoming a knight of a long lost Holy Order, unwitting hero George Stobbart determines to settle down to a life of mundane 9-5 office work. Who would have thought that a mysterious and beautiful woman would enter his life; a woman whose sudden disappearance draws him into a desperate search for a nefarious artefact of great and terrible power?

As forces of ancient worlds and past forgotten myths clash, current emotions will conflict with past regrets. Emotion, humor, and puzzling combine to draw the player into a dark world of conspiracy theories, daring adventures, and ancient societies. For George, it looks like the world needs saving. Again.

Key Features:
  • The fourth installment of the legendary series – available in stunning 3D
  • Features a rich, evocative soundtrack and top quality voice acting
  • The atmosphere of mystery and danger will accompany you throughout the whole adventure
  • The engrossing story-line and witty dialogue will keep you hooked throughout


    • Styresystem *: Windows 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista
    • Processor: Pentium
    • Hukommelse: 64 MB RAM
    • Grafik: Any video card with 64 Mb video RAM
    • Diskplads: 4 GB tilgængelig plads
    • Lydkort: Any
* Fra den 1. januar 2024 understøttes Steam-klienten kun på Windows 10 og senere udgaver.

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